View Full Version : Seven Degrees of Inner Slavery

06-06-2008, 03:10 PM
People tend to think there is only one type of slavery. The slavery that we most commonly think of one person owning another person. Since this type of slavery has been done away with, as far as the Constitution is concerned, people think that slavery no longer exists. It is unfortunate that there is more slavery today than ever before, yet since we are told that slavery was done away with, most people are unwilling to think of themselves as being enslaved. Slavery is not just about putting a chain to your ankle and forcing a person to do their bidding, it encompasses every aspect of a persons life. If the other aspects of a persons life are completely controlled, and one tells their slaves that they are really free, chains are not needed to enslave someone.

The type of slavery that we had prior to the Civil War was Physical Slavery. The ownership of a persons body. Although other types were applied to those held by Physical Slavery, the ownership of a person can be considered nothing less than Physical Slavery.

A short list of generalizations that I think cover most different types:

Physical Slavery
Financial Slavery
Sexual Slavery
Moral Slavery
Intellectual Slavery
Emotional Slavery
Spiritual Slavery

I believe this covers just about every aspect of any persons life that just about every other potential category can be included in one of these types. There are major differences between these obviously, however, the application of enslaving may fall into several of these categories. I'll try to give some examples and explain how certain situations can fall into several types of categories at once. I'll go from easiest to explain to most difficult also.

Physical Slavery - The ownership of a persons body. Your body is my property. You will do what I tell you when I tell you. You will not do anything to damage your body which is my property. You will not get any tatoos or piercings, drink, you will not smoke, you will not do drugs. You will only make changes to be made to your body that I authorize, such as the need to see a doctor in the event of an illness or health problem, dental work, and when I require, you will have an RFID tracking chip implanted in your body so I may track you and observe the physical condition of your body my property.

In the event that your body requires repair, I will authorize those of the medical community to perform tests for new treatments. Be advised that the medical community may not have your best interests in mine and along with performing tests on your body my property, may not be in your best interests. Some of the treatments for known illnesses may in fact leave you in worse condition than when the problem started, however, since your body is not your property, it is mine, you can not make any objection to what I have done to your body.

Financial Slavery - This is nothing more than having an artifical need to collect and spend money. Such as having a job or paying bills. The use of any form of currency can be used to control an individual since someone else controls the money, they heavily influence its usage. Lets say that two people have needs that the other can fill. The situation is negotiated by both of those people to get a fair exchange for what they need, but when a form of currency becomes involved, a third party now becomes involved.

Joe needs to have his car aligned, and Bob needs his computer tuned up. If Joe agrees to tune up Bobs car in exchange for Bob giving Joe's car an alignment, no one else can influence the situation. But if currency is introduced, if one of the individuals decides that they want more currency in exchange for the services provided, an unbalance occurs. Bob charges $60 an hour for working on cars and Joe charges $85 for working on computers. This is how the government starts to tax us for everything. Lets say for now that Bob and Joe both charge an equal rate, regardless of price. A direct exchange of services benefits both parties and no one else. If Bob and Joe exchange their services thru money, Joe pays Bob $60 to work on his car, and 10% of that is collected in taxes for "income", then Bob pays Joe $60 to work on his computer, again taxed at 10%, the government (Federal Reserve Bank / IRS although not part of the Federal Government, that wont be discussed here), Bob and Joe both have lost part of what makes them self sufficient. Bob and Joe both gave up a portion of what they earned, and as a result, eventually will not have any money between them without involving other parties to get more currency. Its not to say that there is not a need for currency as Bob may not need his computer worked on while Joe needs to get his car aligned right away.

The ultimate result of taxation of an individuals labor is to make them completely dependant on someone else, unliberating them, and eventually completely enslaving them to the need of money.

Sexual Slavery - The ownership of an individuals sexual relations. Pretty simple. Pimps.

Moral Slavery - You are not allowed to decide what is right and wrong for yourself so I will do it for you. You will not drink until you are 21 years of age. You may not responsibly consume any drug. You should not be allowed to show violent images, or make violent reading material available to individuals under the age of 10 years. I like to use drugs for this example. Drugs are bad. Drugs are bad because I say that they are bad. Even if you use it responsibly, drugs are bad. Drugs werent always illegal. When drugs were made illegal, the prices of them went sky high so they became more profitable by making them illegal. Just making something illegal does not get rid of it, it only creates a black market for it, regardless of what "it" is. As a result, government can impose hefty fines for people caught in possession of illegal substances, and if the individuals are not sent to prison and only charged a fine, becomes profitable for the government as well as the drug dealers, thus both parties want everyone else to think that drugs are bad and should be made illegal. What happens is regardless of the law, it is sold on the idea that people are not morally responsible enough for themselves and try to appeal to the opposite faction to pass laws that really only benefit someone else. Seat belt laws is a perfect example. People need to be more responsible so laws are passed to force you to wear your seatbelt. People dont go to jail for not wearing their seatbelts, and insurance companies get to make more money because those who get the tickets now have to pay higher rates because they are "higher risk". The entire idea that you arent morally just enough to decide how to run your own life is nothing more than a sales tactic.

Intellectual Slavery - The sky is what color I tell you it is. Very simple. Yet very complicated at the same time. During the course of a persons life, most people are told what to think. Starting in school we tell our kids that the sky is blue, and turn around and teach them that the Revolutionary War was because of the unjust taxes the British imposed on us. And this is where it all starts. History is what I tell you it is. I control what you know so I control what you think. Fox TV news junkies that believe everything that they are told. Funny thing about history is that it is written from the perspective of the winner. And the winner wants us to believe that America revolted against the British over a tax on tea, but they say absolutely nothing about the interest, or tax, on the currency that the British insisted we use. Control history and you control the past, control the news you control the present, and the future. Information itself is neither good, or bad. Its like a gun. By itself a gun is not evil, even if it is used to kill someone, and it is not good, even if it is not never fired. If I call the cops and tell them that so and so did something illegal, then I control the cops and thus the person I called the cops on thru information. If you believe that we are a free country and you need to have a license to ride your bicycle then you believe that Im telling you the best thing for you, regardless if the definition of free is distorted. Eventually, by controlling what information you have to think with, I control the results of your actions.

Information control is the result of the belief of what you are told. Although belief seems like it should be categorized under religion, belief isnt necessarily specific to religion. If you tell me you took the dog for a walk, I dont really know that you did unless I have observed it for myself to be true. I can only believe. I know I put the glass on the table. But I ask you to do it, and unless I observe you doing it, I dont really KNOW, I can only believe. We strengthen our beliefs based on the reliablity of the source of information. Did you take the dog for a walk? Yes I did. Now if it had been a compulsive liar that said they took the dog for a walk, you may doubt the legitimacy of their statement. But if someone that never lied said the exact same thing, we believe what they tell us is true, and we start to distort the line between believing and knowing. Such as Bush standing on his podium blathering on about Weapons of Mass Destruction. Some of us believed him. Some of us didnt. Regardless of the truth of the situation, whether there really were WMD's there or not, the only truth is that we will never truly know, we will only be able to believe. So, do you believe everything you were taught in school? What your parents told you? What the media tells you?

Emotional Slavery - Your opinion of yourself will be based only on my opinion of you. This happens in abusive relationships a lot and gives the abuser control over the abused. But it doesnt just happen there, and this type of slavery is used to suplement other forms of slavery. You cant earn enough money by yourself to buy that TV, Car, or House you always wanted. In abusive relationships, the abuser tears down the abused's sense of self worth. Youre ugly, youre fat, youre worthless. Im sorry I get angry sometimes. Youre beautiful, I love you so much. By the point that the abuser gives any compliments or apologies, the abused's sense of self worth is completely dependant on the abusers opinion of them. This type of tactic is most often exploited in marketing and advertising. Hence why you only see the most beautiful or attractive people promoting health beauty and status products. You will never be as pretty as this girl in this lipstick commercial unless you use this type of lipstick. Then when someone buys that type of lipstick they start to think better of themselved because they used suggested product, making them emotionally dependant on the products that they buy. Teachers influence children thru a grading system. You got an F in spelling, youre no good, youre worthless, making the student emotionally depenant on the teacher to give them a reason to feel good about themselves. Eventually this behavior is taught to be the norm for the child who grows up to take that same mentality at their next position of slavery, their job. You dont work hard enough, you arent a good enough salesman, you cant do anything without having this job or at least some job, emotionally condioned so that their supervisoros opinion of them has a disproportionate ammount of influence on their value of their self worth.

Spiritual Slavery - Your relationship with god is not good enough unless it is told to you by me. This type of slavery does not dispute whether or not god exists or not, it bases everything on the idea and belief that god does exist. It will play on the self doubts of an individual that their relationship with god is not good enough unless they study the bible (or Kuran or other religions) and learn the meaning of what is taught in the books. This is a form of intellectual slavery reinforced by emotional slavery however since religion plays such a major part in many peoples lives, and information about the true existence and nature of god doesnt exist (only expressed thru the literature of man thru bibles and scriptures and what not) it needs to be its own category. If a child is taught from the day they are born that the one and true god hates the American pigs and they will be rewarded with 72 virgins for becoming a martyr in gods name, they believe their god is the right one, and all other religions are absolutely wrong (regardless if they are or they arent, its the persons belief that their god is the right one that reinforces the ideas manipulated by man) these people are willing to take their own lives to get back at people who have never done anything to them to begin with. Innocents will always pay in blood the price of our wars. The control and purposeful manipulation of a persons point of view of god can be used to control them. And clever individuals will know that to control a person they shouldnt try to make a person believe in a completely different deity, they try to twist the perspective of that persons deity to bend them to do their will. Although we believe this to not be true, the Christian god wouldnt offer 72 virgins for martyring ones self against anyone of muslim faith. Bit of a twist of which god offering virgins. If I were a "pastor" or held some high position in a Christian faith, and had a child and taught them from the day they were born that the christian god does offer virgins in heaven for martyring ones self to kill arabs, and prevented any other information about the christian god, the child would probably believe what was told to him.

Religion can influence people do some very extreme things. The words of the books can be expressed in such a way that any outcome can be conceived. Religion as I try to describe it, is the description of god, not the proof of god, hence religion is mostly the words of man. As a result of being able to control words and knowledge and information and self worth and your sexual immorality, I control everything that you base your opinion of the world on, thus I control you. Im sure I'll get flack for even bagging on religion, and usually seem to take less flack when I use a religion that someone reading this doesnt follow but as soon as I say your religion is wrong, people get bent out of shape. But what if it was wrong? What if BOTH religions in a war were presented to people just to get them to start a war, and war is profitable, there ends up being only one winner and thats the party that controls both parties.

Religion is Spiritual Slavery.


In the movie The Matrix, people were turned into batteries and the Matrix was a prison for peoples minds. These many types of slavery because they are not of the physical ball and chain variety are also easy to hide. We will never be a truly free world until we can at least identify who our slave master are and the various forms of slavery they impose upon us.