View Full Version : Online Poll + Freedom Calls = VICTORY!

06-01-2008, 07:14 AM
There is an online poll on the most anti-Sabrin pro-neocon GOP site in New Jersey: www.redjersey.net - they attacked Dr. Sabrin went he went after McCain and when he went after the Federal Reserve!

1) Let's make a quick pit stop - vote for Dr. Murray Sabrin - give them a shot between the eyes (and if you want to drive them crazy post something positive about Murray - they go nuts when people do).

2) Start making FREEDOM calls today at www.SabrinForSenate.net - Out of all the calls I have made so far almost 90% of these Republicans don't even know there is a Primary and don't know ANY of the candidates! That means this is a total toss-up!

3) Make a final donation - I just called my mother and asked her to make a $250 donation (I told her it was an early birthday present).

06-01-2008, 11:13 AM
Let's KICK some NEO CON ASS Today folks!!