View Full Version : What can we learn from other conventions?

05-31-2008, 11:43 PM
Pick your battles wisely. Contesting too many motions starts turning the other delegates against the "obstructionists"

Watch the clock. The chairmen are holding these conventions to fixed schedules. The delegate selection is the most important convention business, and if there's no time left to discuss the platform, then it's "Oh well maybe next year. Too bad, so sad!"

Don't over-reach. If you have an amendment to make, try and word it to gain support outside the Paul bloc. A minority can only turn the ship a few degrees, and even then... it needs some other votes. (I expect decent turn out, but we won't have the 1/3 needed to prevent "Question Called" in debate. Make a good case on the first try, because it could be your only chance!)

06-01-2008, 12:18 PM
1) I would bring a tape recorder of some sort, to tape everything that happens.

2) Get not just a cheat sheet on motions, but an actual copy of Robert's Rules of Order. You need at least one of these, if not a few among the group.

3) If you feel they do not count the votes right, call Division of the Assembly. They have to do a rising vote then. It can interrupt a speaker and does not require a second. However, don't use this if the vote is obvious. Then you are just desperate.

3) Only use point of order as necessary. If it is a minor screw-up, don't bother. Then you sound whiny. However, if they disenfranchise you in any way, use it.