View Full Version : Eliminate McCain as a candidate

05-13-2008, 07:37 AM
Eliminate McCain as a candidate

It can be done, McCain can be eliminated as a candidate by simply calling for transparency for the medical records of all the presidential candidates.

by Melinda Pillsbury-Foster
Monday, May 12, 2008

If you support Ron Paul for President this petition and process provides the opportunity to bring Ron back into the media with an issue that crosses the party barrier. It also delivers smack down to McCain while giving Paul the shot at the nomination he, and we, deserve.

Our sources indicate that McCain has cancer and that his condition is going to kills him within the next four years. Delegates need to know this as soon as possible. No delegate will find it acceptable to put someone in office who cannot physically do the job.

We are looking for physicians to provide their opinions now.

This approach takes the issue into the mainstream, also handing the tool to Hillary and Obama. In this instance they can help us. Both Democrats are younger and apparently in good health. They have no reason to withhold the information we demand.

Republican delegates, have a right to know this in advance so that they can look at other options, most especially, Ron Paul.

When McCain is the last candidate who has not provided his medical information we can focus useful attention on his condition and begin educating the delegates. Delegates can then be given the tools to demand from the GOP another choice, for instance Ron Paul.

You are hiring a President. Insist the one hired is sound of mind and body.

Many say McCain cannot last four years with his cancer.

Rumor has it that John McCain's melanoma will kill him in less than four years. Other evidence points to the possibility McCain is in the early stages of Alzheimers. We need to know the facts immediately about all the candidates.
To get a job at McDonald's you need to give your prospective employer bodily fluids along with other personal information. That is hardly critical work. You supply what is demanded or do not expect to be hired.

Americans are now considering the frightening question of which of four remaining major presidential candidates to vote for in the coming election this November and lack the same information.

Why is that? This should have taken place before the winnowing process began with the round of primaries. Now, our choices are far more limited. Questions have been raised about the personal habits and health of candidates in the past, for instance when the questions about Bill Clinton's drug habits and the mental condition of Ronald Reagan. These questions should have been answered quickly, objectively, and with documentation. Ronald Reagan was in the early stages of Alzheimer's; Bill Clinton had eroded his nostrils with the use of Cocaine. Those presidencies are in the past. But today we understand how much is at risk.

The office of president carries with it enormous power. It is not a prize, it is a responsibility that can have devastating impacts on us. We have witnessed that shocking and stomach wrenching truth during the melt down of our dreams and trust over the twenty years.

It is time to enact change. It is time to demand all the information we need.

Bad enough they have shown the judgment of Attila the Hun, at least let them be healthy and mentally sound. The President was never intended to exercise the kind of control we face today. That being said we need all the information we can get about the applicants.

None of those individuals running have any right to privacy on any question that could impinge on their ability to carry out the duties of president. We need to see, in exhaustive detail, the medical records of the four candidates who are still in the running from the two major parties. These candidates are Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, John McCain and Ron Paul.

Because they must still capture the nomination of their parties they can be forced to provide the information. That is why we must act now.

This is not something they normally choose to do. The reason is sadly obvious. They have things to hide and use the power of their positions to do that. We need all medical documents and to interview their physicians.

They will concede to our demands if while they are still in competition for their nominations. Afterwards our options are drastically limited. Those candidates who provide their information get an edge going into the election. As voters we have little enough power – but this we can do, we can insist on knowing that none of them have conditions or psychological or medical issues that would make their tenure in the White House even more risky for us that it would be if they were healthy and of sound mind.

There is a process we need to undertake to make this happen. First, sign the petition. Second, send this to everyone you know and every group of which you are a member. Third, call their campaign offices, tie up their phone lines, let them know we, the people, insist that they understand who is working for whom. If any one of them refuses then those who are members of their party should demand they be denied that party's nomination. It will be revolutionary, we will have been heard and heeded.

Here is the wording. You can find the petition here (http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/demandpresidentialrecords/).

"We the Undersigned demand that the medical and psychological records for each major party presidential candidate be made openly available to the American people. It is you, the candidate, who is applying for a job and we, the people, who are entitled to do the hiring. Since you, along with other politicians, have seen fit to force us to disclose our most personal records it is only right and fitting that you do the same, now, when it is possible for your party to replace you as a candidate. "

One of these candidates will be elected. Which one do you think is the soundest of mind, clearest of intent, and the most likely to serve us, the American people instead of their own core constituency? Look at their records, all of their records, and vote your conscience.

Link (http://www.nolanchart.com/article3760.html)

For more articles on Ron Paul and the Revolution, please visit the first link below.

05-13-2008, 07:56 AM
We are looking for physicians to provide their opinions now.

No physician whose opinion is worth listening to is going to diagnose a patient they have never examined.

05-13-2008, 07:57 AM
piss tests all the way around, that would get rid of most of them immediately.

05-13-2008, 08:01 AM
No physician whose opinion is worth listening to is going to diagnose a patient they have never examined

That is the same thought I had when I read the article.

When I read that bit of the article it reminded me of an episode of House, MD, where he diagnosed an actor (a doctor in his favourite sitcom) from just watching him on TV, so he kidnapped him, drugged him then eventually cured him.

Is there a House in the house? :)

05-21-2008, 02:36 PM
McCain to release his health records; make doctors available to reporters... Developing...


The One
05-21-2008, 02:37 PM
McCain to release his health records; make doctors available to reporters... Developing...


Damn, you beat me to it!!!!

05-21-2008, 02:45 PM
I don't believe a candidate should *be forced* to make his medical records public.

Paulitical Correctness
05-21-2008, 02:48 PM
As much as I dislike McCain, this seems kind of petty..

05-21-2008, 02:55 PM

05-21-2008, 04:50 PM
this is not good

this will be interpreted as the Ron Paul crazies grasping at last straws to get attention....

05-21-2008, 05:04 PM
this is not good

this will be interpreted as the Ron Paul crazies grasping at last straws to get attention....

it is.

05-21-2008, 05:10 PM
This is despicable.

05-21-2008, 05:16 PM
Don't worry. There is no way McCain will be elected president unless the Dems do something really stupid like nominating an inexperienced, young, Marxist black guy with a Muslim middle name as their nominee.

Surely there is no way that could happen.

05-21-2008, 06:21 PM
I think that everyone's eagerness to get his records among us RP followers is hypocritical. I think if we want privacy to be a main plank in our "platform", we should be willing to extend it to everyone, no matter what. He's got a right to his privacy dammit and we should respect that.

Yes the chances of him dying over a four year term are higher than most, but that could be said of others who are advanced in age (cough -- Ron Paul). Plus the odds of any human dying over a four year period are not minimal--even healthy ones.

We should practice what we preach and not call for violations of personal privacy. Presently his health does not preclude him from carrying out presidential responsibilities. If things are so bad for his health, he will become progressively worse and it will become progressively more obvious to the general non-medical public. There are safeguards in place to ensure a dying president is replaced.

If you think his odds of dying are high and a reason not to vote for him, then by all means promote that theory to everyone you can. Also do anything you can to persuade him to release them. He should not be forced to though and if it were me I would refuse on general principles and let everyone know why (even if it cost me the election--people do like a principled stand). This could actually backfire and make a victim of him. We all know how america loves a victim.

I do know the seriousness of this disease. I am a doctor. No one knows the future though and if I were McCain i would just give everyone the finger and strengthen my "maverick" persona.

Having said all of this, I do not like McCain and will never vote for him. Also, I would not vote for anyone who i thought had a high chance of dying because of a disease like melanoma. That is my choice. It is his choice (right) to keep his condition private and risk people like me not voting for him because of that. We only make ourselves look desparate though by demanding he release the records. Let someone else be that guy. I don't see Ron Paul demanding his records and I bet he has a much better idea about his problems than the most of you. Don't become what you hate.


05-21-2008, 06:33 PM

05-21-2008, 08:37 PM
I hope you realize that trying to do this would be VERY beneficial to McCain.

Not only are those "sources" absolute bullshit, but saying that he should be discriminated against because of an illness is the best way to get him sympathy.

Also...Mccain being eliminated would not make Ron Paul the candidate. If you hven't noticed by now, the GOP has done a very good job in keeping Ron Paul delegates out. Hence, even if there was a brokered convention, Ron Paul would not win.

05-22-2008, 08:52 AM
in light of teddy kennedy's very real brain tumor that happened upon him very quickly,
that he is not opting for surgery for, this makes the idea more than bad taste... its ill timed.
rudy giuliani and john mccain have had their brushes with cancer, one having a prostate
cancer flareup, the other a small skin cancer. teddy kennedy had an operation on a vein in his
neck some six months back be a success and evidently his brain tumor was not there, then!
insofar that a gravely sick candidate's condition ought to be public record, we have seen
America in 1944 voting overwhelmingly for a FDR who was on his "last legs"... we also
have seen how JFK covered up his Addison's disease via his cortizone shots. when we
factor in IKE's strokes being under-reported in the press, we realize that many of our
presidents have been in ill health while they have led us. Wilson is not the only one in this...

05-22-2008, 04:06 PM