View Full Version : Inspiring Piece by Delegates for Ron Paul - "What Happened in 1960?"

05-08-2008, 03:29 PM
Truly inspiring! We really are just getting started. And Liberty really is making a comeback!

What Happened in 1960? (http://www.delegatesforronpaul.com/)


And then an interesting thing happened, which caught the Nixon team - who had tried so hard to make sure everything in the convention was tightly planned and under serious control - completely off-guard: a "spontaneous" demonstration for Goldwater erupted on the convention floor. It appeared that he had a groundswell of support!

In fact, what really happened was that, thanks to those two state delegations from Arizona and South Carolina, hundreds of kids were snuck in "under the tent flaps" of the convention staging area. They were given false ID tags, and got onto the floor during the nomination, where they broke into their "spontaneous" (but actually carefully-planned) demonstration.

This staged show of support took everyone by surprise, and had its intended effect: Goldwater asked for permission to address the convention, and permission was granted.

And what did he say? Did he rail against the blatantly neo-conservative party platform that Nixon had surrendered to Gov. Nelson Rockefeller, whom William Batchelder described as "the archetypal east coast 'moderate' establishment Republican"? Did he call for all true believers in limited government to walk out and leave the GOP?

No, he gave his second-most-famous speech (after his most famous 1964 "extremism in the defense of liberty" acceptance speech) and said that those young Republicans should "grow up," that they had lost that round, and that they should pull together, go home, take over the party, and come together again in 1964 to adopt a truly limited-government platform. And that's exactly what they did. "Let's grow up conservatives!" he said. "If we want to take this Party back, and I think we can some day, let's get to work." (What they didn't realize, as Batchelder noted, was that "establishment" Republicans would also get to work, and do "whatever it took, including supporting the duplicitous President Lyndon B. Johnson, to stop Senator Goldwater's presidential candidacy and the attendant ascendancy of American conservatism.")


He even had the cahones to post it on RedState. What I find terribly funny is, he uses a quote that one of the neocon brownshirt mods (Neil Stevens) has in his sig line. Heh.