View Full Version : John McCain, "Mr. Conservative"

05-03-2008, 11:39 PM
I paid a visit to The Atlantic online before, mainly because I'm a masochist. Stumbled upon this dandy of an article explaining how McCain's not only a conservative, but represents a return to true conservatism.


Although stupid all around, this paragraph especially amused the hell of out me:

"And so conservatives came to associate themselves with a romantic narrative of radical change—a narrative of counterrevolution, but revolutionary all the same. They trumpeted the Reagan Revolution, then Gingrich’s Republican Revolution. In 2001, George W. Bush came to office disdainful of “small ball,” determined to be a “transformative” figure. In the 2008 presidential race, Mike Huckabee railed against corporate greed, promised to abolish the Internal Revenue Service, and pledged (fancifully) to bring about “energy independence” (whatever that is) by the end of his second term; yet his conservative credentials met with less skepticism among the rank and file than did McCain’s. Nowadays, the harder core of the movement barely gives politicians the time of day unless they renounce incremental reform in favor of the root-and- branch variety, and denounce government with a stridency that owes less to Burke than to the New Left."