View Full Version : Any word on Delaware and Oklahoma State Conventions today?

Join The Paul Side
05-03-2008, 01:59 PM
Both states should be having their conventions today along with Maine. Let's please keep bumped for updates. :)

05-03-2008, 02:49 PM
Fresh out of the Oklahoma convention. We got behind a very, very good Huckabee man named Jim Dunn for National Committeeman and helped get him over the top. He'll be a real asset to the grassroots!

Unfortunately, that's about it for the good news. The old line poisoned the wells against us pretty thoroughly. They told all the line-toers that we'd be costing them time on a very pretty Saturday, so when we objected to their attempts to railroad us--shove things through without debate, for example--we weren't making friends when we stood up for ourselves. After a couple of times, however, the good speeches on our side started to soften them up, and they realized that it was in their best inerests also to hear a real debate. By that time, though, Mr. Dunn's election was about the only thing left that was a point of any contention at all. Unfortunately, we only made up about a third of the big crowd.

Met a delegate all the way from Texas County (which is a long drive indeed from Tulsa) who was kind enough to give me a very nice McCain Voting Kit--a wooden clothespin. I put it on my nose per McCain's mama's instructions and asked the next person who happened by with McCain signs for one--said I was ready to vote for him now. I think McCain shirts and wooden clothespins should be de rigeur for all McCain rallies from now on. Just keep the clothespin in your pocket until you get past security. Then--on the nose!

Rural America is really pretty darn radical. We need to get to them. Only the toers of the line actually get sent to the conventions--except in certain places like Okmulgee and Texas counties where we have exceptional people. There we do very well indeed!

Want to do some lurking and see what they're scheming to do to us in your state? Got a great new resource for us! Do your lurking here:


This link isn't broken, but maybe it should be. Anyway, it's easy to copy and paste this way.

Gotta run, but I'll try to check in tomorrow. Later.

05-03-2008, 03:15 PM
thanks for the update acptulsa

Join The Paul Side
05-03-2008, 03:18 PM
Thanks acptulsa.

Maybe good news will come out of Delaware. :(

05-03-2008, 07:44 PM
acptulsa forgot to mention the excellent platform that was passed with NO debate. I dare to say that we now have the most conservative state platform in the nation. Many Paul policies, such as ending RvW immediately by legislation rather than eventually by judicial appointments, and ending the Federal Reserve inflation tax and returning to gold & silver backed currency, are now in the Oklahoma State Platform.

05-03-2008, 07:50 PM
We are winning the Revolution through Education. This is great news. :D

acptulsa forgot to mention the excellent platform that was passed with NO debate. I dare to say that we now have the most conservative state platform in the nation. Many Paul policies, such as ending RvW immediately by legislation rather than eventually by judicial appointments, and ending the Federal Reserve inflation tax and returning to gold & silver backed currency, are now in the Oklahoma State Platform.

05-03-2008, 09:36 PM
I forgot that repealing the PATRIOT Act as a violation of the 4th Amendment is now in the platform.

05-03-2008, 09:42 PM
I forgot that repealing the PATRIOT Act as a violation of the 4th Amendment is now in the platform.

More great news!

05-03-2008, 10:01 PM
Platforms mean little...neocon candidates rarely read them (John McCain on immigration, Rick Perry on TTC)

We need delegates and poeple to run for office.

AJ Antimony
05-03-2008, 10:58 PM
Yeah platforms are bullshit.

Ever heard of Bush's 2000 platform?

05-03-2008, 11:26 PM
Still sounds like some good work in OK. The revolution is making progress, maybe slower than we would like. But nice work!

05-03-2008, 11:46 PM
acptulsa forgot to mention the excellent platform that was passed with NO debate. I dare to say that we now have the most conservative state platform in the nation. Many Paul policies, such as ending RvW immediately by legislation rather than eventually by judicial appointments, and ending the Federal Reserve inflation tax and returning to gold & silver backed currency, are now in the Oklahoma State Platform.

The Iowa platform is now very much so as well. Here are some other planks we put on the Iowa platform:

We propose abolishing No Child Left Behind and returning control of education back to local communities.

We call for the abolition of the Federal Department of Education, and the removal of this position from the Cabinet. In addition, we support downsizing the Iowa Department of Education. We believe that control of education should be left to the parents, teachers and local school boards.

We call for the United States’ immediate withdrawal from the United Nations and the removal of the United Nations from the United States.

We believe the United States should never sacrifice its sovereignty or relinquish control of its soil to the United Nations or any other international body.

Congress shall pass no law or enter into any treaty that would infringe on the sovereignty of the United States. We are opposed to the NAFTA Super-Highway and the Law of the Sea Treaty.

We support the abolition of the Department of Homeland Security. We support the restructuring of federal agencies to ensure coordination on matters of international and domestic terrorism.

We assert that the Constitution of the United States grants “birthright Citizenship” only to those children born to a parent or parents who are citizens of the United States, not to those children of visiting foreigners, those here on work visas, or illegal aliens.

We assert that the Constitution of the United States of America is the highest law of the land and cannot be superceded by any international law, treaty or agreement.

We believe the language in the United States Constitution and Declaration of Independence is as relevant today as when it was penned. Any attempts to revise or deviate from the original intent of said documents must be vigorously opposed.

We strongly believe in the Second Amendment, which guarantees individuals the right to keep and bear arms without government intervention.

We call for a dramatic reduction to the size and scope of government at all levels. We believe the federal government should be strictly limited to the eighteen enumerated powers in the United States Constitution and that all others should be left to the States and to the people in accordance with the Tenth Amendment.

We believe the primary purpose of government is to protect the inalienable rights of life and liberty and, beyond its constitutional functions, there is nothing which can be done by government as efficiently as it is done by the people of this great Republic. We believe the people have the ability, the dignity and the right to make their own decisions and to determine their own destiny without encumbrance or interference from government. We call for a return to limited government at federal, state and local levels, allowing for maximum personal and economic freedom.

We call for the replacement of the current Social Security System with a new private and voluntary retirement investment program.

We call for the repeal of the McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance Reform Act.

We oppose one world government and all world government imposed bodies.

We believe the Supreme Court should reject all foreign amicus briefs seeking to influence American law; should ignore foreign constitutions and laws in interpreting American law and the United States Constitution; should cease citing foreign court rulings for precedence when interpreting American law; and should protect our sovereignty.

We call for the responsible phasing-out over a four-year period of all federal non-enumerated departments, programs, regulations, and expenditures that are not expressly authorized by the United States Constitution.

We oppose government taxation of internet commerce.

We support the repeal of the Sixteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, the elimination of the IRS, and replacing all federal income taxes with a fairer tax system.

We support the privatization of Medicare and its prescription benefits.

We call for the abolition of the Federal Department of Agriculture, returning control back to the state and local governments.

We oppose any and all federal agricultural subsidies. We support tax breaks and tax credits for bio-fuel technology and production.

We oppose the creation of a mandatory federal funding for National Premise I.D. registration and the National Animal Identification System (NAIS).

We believe environmental problems can be solved more efficiently with innovation and technology than with more litigation and more government regulation.

We believe that free enterprise and the encouragement of individual initiative are essential to economic opportunity, growth and prosperity.

We call for the abolition of the Federal Department of Energy, returning the control to the state and local governments as it was prior to the Carter administration.

We opposed foreign ownership or control of toll roads, highways, public access roads or harbors.

We oppose any and all nationally based I.D. systems and call for an immediate repeal of the “Real I.D. Act”.

We believe the United States must not participate in the formation of a North American Union.

These are tidbits and there is a whole lot more. We rewrote it from top to bottom. It will be presented to the state convention in June. It takes a very orderly and Constitutional approach. It is so conservative, it makes most conservatives look liberal.

05-04-2008, 04:39 PM

05-04-2008, 05:21 PM
So with most of these 'United States' putting forth resolutions and platforms that make sense, why does the GOP keep pushing for candidates that do not support them?

05-04-2008, 06:44 PM
So with most of these 'United States' putting forth resolutions and platforms that make sense, why does the GOP keep pushing for candidates that do not support them?

That is an even stronger question to ask now, hence the reason for having a strong platform, not because it has any power except rhetorical power.