View Full Version : Why not to vote for McCain? Need more details...

05-02-2008, 11:12 PM
I need to convince a few people why not to vote for McCain... here's what I have so far:

Hot temper; could have a bad day and start nuclear war

Wrote the "amnesty bill" in 2007

Sings about bombing Iran

Believes in the Iraq war

Is a war monger and loves war just for the sake of it

Admitted he has no clue about the economy (and demonstrated it in the debates)

Lobbied for Airbus; American jobs were lost

Called his wife a ****

Could have been brainwashed by the Soviets while in Vietnam (others say that he was treated very well and then exaggerated his time as a POW to gain sympathy)... not sure what's true

Doesn't reveal his medical history... what is he hiding?

Anything else???

05-02-2008, 11:14 PM
He is ugly.

05-02-2008, 11:16 PM
Screwed over our POW's and veterans.

05-02-2008, 11:16 PM


05-02-2008, 11:35 PM
* looks like a turtle
* thinks everyone is his "friend" which means he is showing signs of dementia
* doesn't know the difference between Sunnis and Shiites. Kinda important don't ya think?
* lobbies for campaign reform, then breaks campaign funding rules
* runs his campaign like he would run the country.... in the red.
* can barely balance on his own two feet more less the budget of the most powerful country on the planet

05-02-2008, 11:38 PM
As Dolly so eloquently put it..."He is a lying, hypocritical, egotistical bigot!" That pretty much sums up McCain.

05-02-2008, 11:48 PM

Another source of bad politics

BTW: I posted this here because no "post here' button popped up on my screen, and I don't know how to post it (It may be my computer, I KNOW how to post shit usually). I saw this when somebody linked it to me; it's BAD. I wasn't aware of how HORRID G Rockwell was (I had heard, but never HEARD).

rational thinker
05-03-2008, 01:37 AM
Called his wife a ****

I believe you mean "*****.":)