View Full Version : What To Do With Your Rebate Check

04-29-2008, 08:40 PM
Fellow Freedom Lovers,

I just finished reading "The Revolution A Manifesto" and found it thoroughly encouraging. Being reminded of all the reasons for this revolution at once is like watching a beautiful sculpture appear before my eyes. The book just makes sense.

Yes, even someone like me, despite being educated in public schools, can clearly see the dire need for a restoration of the burden of virtue back into the hands of the people who are most capable of protecting it rather than in the hands of third-party bureaucrats wrapped in the chains of public perception.

I have been considering worthy causes for my $600 rebate check, and although I could really use the money, I have decided to use it to somehow demonstrate the backwards relationship between the US government its people. This is the final proof that our government owns us rather than the other way around. We should be outraged more than ever.

I do not believe it moral to perpetuate the treatment of people as spending machines for the benefit of government-sponsored businesses engaged in unjust war, deceptive propaganda, and the open exploitation of our labor through oppressive income taxes and unchecked government spending.

I simply can't bear to return these funds to the same institutions who cooperate in their abuse of power for the sole purpose of enslaving the lower and lower-middle class.

I have decided to buy as many copies of "The Revolution A Manifesto" and distribute them to public places around my home town Minneapolis/St. Paul.

I encourage you to do the same. Bus stops, grocery stores, the gym, the train station, the stadium...Anywhere people go, I want them to be faced with the facts.

People! It's time to take back our country.


04-29-2008, 09:05 PM
dont forget to donate to ron paul endorsed liberty candidates as well like sabrin lawson mckinly gay & others

04-29-2008, 09:07 PM

One of the best investments any of us can make.