View Full Version : ...Paulistas, who are after all the ones behind the betrayal at Constitution.

04-29-2008, 08:06 PM
I've been monitoring the Alan Keyes forums since a few days before the CP convention (Mostly for my own amusement). The vile hatred these guys have for us just astounds me especially considering the adamant insistence that they are behaving in a Christian fashion.

Anyway, I thought I'd let you all know that we are apparently the ones responsible for the state of our nation (According to Alan Keyes supporters that is).

This all arose from the News of the Nevada Convention and many of the Keyes supports were looking to take a page out of our book. Fortunately these people are so insane they will never actually be effective.

Anyway just some food for thought.

Please read what I wrote more carefully. "There is nothing wrong with using tactical shrewdness against those who oppose you in a dirty way." What I oppose is copying the Paulistas, who are after all the ones behind the betrayal at Constitution.


Mr. White
04-29-2008, 08:49 PM
I'm always amused when people on these forums call other people insane. Don't read Keye's forum.

04-29-2008, 08:54 PM
We betray the consitution because we don't subscribe to their doctrine of faith.
They sound more like a christian Hamas sometimes.

I laugh when people talking of unifying the LP and CP.
How about this... just the sane(ie. just want to live and let live) people from both parties get together and form a coalition with the RLC (or your own RLC) and strategically take over the GOP central committees in all of your states.

Don't worry about the loons who are way out of touch with reality. They have them in all groups.