View Full Version : Better if Nevada does not resume?

04-29-2008, 08:41 AM
Would it be better if the Nevada convention does not resume?
From what I have read it sounded like 9 delegates had been chosen with 7 of them being Ron Paul folks. Don't the delegates get proportional votes at the national convention based upon how many delegates each state has?

Or do they still need a final vote to send those delegates?

Also, would Ron Paul folks be able to use the Reno strategy of not having a quorem at the national convention even if they're pledged to vote for someone else?

04-29-2008, 08:48 AM
IMO, the Nevada convention will not reconvene. Those delegates that they voted on will be discarded. Nevada most likely will not be sending any delegates to the RNC.

04-29-2008, 08:55 AM
I don't know anything about Nevada's state party rules, but is it a option for the delegates to convene themselves, and if have a quorum, resume the business?

04-29-2008, 09:10 AM
I don't know anything about Nevada's state party rules, but is it a option for the delegates to convene themselves, and if have a quorum, resume the business?

Since the recess wasn't voted on, I don't see why not.


04-29-2008, 09:27 AM
I don't know anything about Nevada's state party rules, but is it a option for the delegates to convene themselves, and if have a quorum, resume the business?

By the rules, yes they can definitly do this and it should be 100% legitimate, since the recess was not voted on. Technically, the convention is still hapenning right now, just without a quorum so nothing can get done.

Will the RNC accept their delegates? Most likely not. The rules do not apply to the people in power, they only apply to us.

04-29-2008, 09:54 AM
By the rules, yes they can definitly do this and it should be 100% legitimate, since the recess was not voted on. Technically, the convention is still hapenning right now, just without a quorum so nothing can get done.

Well, if this is indeed the case, I hope our good folks in NV will attend to this.

Will the RNC accept their delegates? Most likely not. The rules do not apply to the people in power, they only apply to us.

Eh, wouldn't be surprised if they decided to throw a temper tantrum, but that's just more fodder to show how illegitimate the whole process is to an average voter. We have to keep pushing the issues.

04-29-2008, 10:46 AM
The GOP has tried shrugging off some county and district losses as not relevant. I don't think they would brush an entire state under the rug.

In addition, there will be some NVGOP bigwigs that can't stand being shut out. "Going to Convention" is a big deal to the movers-and-shakers. It's viewed as a reward for their years of service to the party, to be seen and recognized at the national.

The longer this drags on, the more likely some establishment members of the NVGOP will become interested in negotiating how to fill out the slate. There will be some of them willing throw McCain under the bus, in order to get to convention.

Even if I'm wrong about all that... and the RNC *is* willing to shut Nevada out... What about Montana? What about Washington? And possibly Idaho and Minnestoa? There are still other states than can conceivably nominate a Paul majority slate.

04-29-2008, 10:56 AM
No, we want those delegates!

Demand it resume

04-29-2008, 11:40 AM
Get a quorum....If other people aren't willing to show up on another date, get their alternates to show up (especially if the alternates are RP supporters ;D)...isn't that why alternates exist??

04-29-2008, 11:56 AM
IDK if they need quorum if it's only a recess. Maybe that chairman can undo the recess at his kitchen table and do the deciding there?

04-29-2008, 12:37 PM
I don't know anything about Nevada's state party rules, but is it a option for the delegates to convene themselves, and if have a quorum, resume the business?
How would it be possible to reconvene and obtain a quorum, when a quorum could not be gained with all the willing delegates present at the end/halt/recessLOL of the original convention?
It's a pity you can't call a motion like the congress's 'Call of the house', and get all the buggers arrested ;)

04-29-2008, 12:47 PM
At that point many had left. While some deliberately refused to participate, others undoubtedly left because they were told it was over, the lights were turned off, and it descended into chaos.

04-29-2008, 01:03 PM
By the rules, yes they can definitly do this and it should be 100% legitimate, since the recess was not voted on. Technically, the convention is still hapenning right now, just without a quorum so nothing can get done.

Will the RNC accept their delegates? Most likely not. The rules do not apply to the people in power, they only apply to us.

Does a virtual meeting work? :D

Can't they all convene right now using something like Go2Meeting? haha

Ok, I guess not but that would be cool if they could.

04-29-2008, 01:13 PM
What we all must remember her is that we only concentrated on getting delegates- we did not waste time on platform and that made us friends in the mccain camp and elsewhere- but it also gave us credibility and caught the gop off guard- they were counting on a big fiassco as happens all to often- moe to come after my root canal

04-29-2008, 01:52 PM
Per the NVGOP rules, Article 3. Section 2. To set the time and place and to issue the call for the State Convention which shall be held within Clark County in gubernatorial years and within one of the remaining sixteen counties in all presidential years; (This means it cannot be resumed in Las Vegas)and to issue the call for the Congressional district conventions in presidential years during which multi-county district convention shall be held in concert with the State Convention. There shall be no fractional voting from any county at any State Committee meeting, State Convention or any Congressional district caucus or convention.

04-29-2008, 01:55 PM
I saw a rumor on the 'net that the neocons had reconvened at a restaurant somewhere to finish up...

04-29-2008, 02:07 PM
I saw a rumor on the 'net that the neocons had reconvened at a restaurant somewhere to finish up...

Well, if they did that we know they did not have a quorum, and it should definitely be reflected in the minutes of the Secretary.

Does anyone know if the campaign has asked the Chairman when the convention is to reconvene? And where?

AJ Antimony
04-29-2008, 02:17 PM
The delegates should just tell the chairman to go do something to himself and just reconvene on their own if they have the power to do so.

04-29-2008, 02:46 PM
Here is what she has to say to her fellow delegates:
