View Full Version : Inexpensive way to tell more people about Ron Paul

04-27-2008, 05:06 PM
Hey everybody,
We tried something new this week, we continue to tell everyone everywhere we go about Ron Paul, but this week we also went to Wal-Mart and bought some cheap new advertising that is really getting a lot of attention, and now people are coming to us, wanting to know more. One middle age man even asked me, lets get a petition going, I want him to stay in the race"-well we know that's not how this works at this point, but it was great to hear someone wanting to do more than just the usual "I voted" The enthusiasm is still growing, what an amazing man Ron Paul is-to give people the message of true real hope!!!!!

We bought one tube of white automotive window marker called by HY-KO (approx. $4) and we wrote on the back of the car we drive RonPaul2008.com 4 freedom!!! End the War! in large letters.
on the sides, Let Freedom Ring and sketch of Liberty Bell, other side Defend the Constitution, Know Your Rights!!!

We also have displayed across the top of the dashboard a large flag-it really catches attention-I have to get back to the store and get some red and blue now, so the windows can be patriotic also. Just think if everyone will do this, it will get the word out more and more-the Ron Paul Revolution continues!!!!

It is amazing how much attention it is getting-every person behind us reading, and people approaching us asking about it, which then gives us the opening, and then of course we have the Common Sense papers already in the car, so we give out those-(we are also putting these up all over bulletin boards in stores, everywhere we go.)

I was so discouraged when we had our district convention here in Missouri, but after a day or so, I started getting more determined than ever. Just think, Ron Paul would have given up a long time ago, if he had let the wrong side win-it makes me proud to be able to say to someone-"here is someone you can finally believe in-a man of truth." Missouri is finally starting to wake up from the apathy !!!!

04-27-2008, 06:11 PM
Great work!

04-27-2008, 06:31 PM
I have heard that white shoe polish with a sponge-tip applicator works good too