View Full Version : Thinking outside the idiot box of politics

04-26-2008, 05:46 AM
For more of todays articles on Ron Paul, please visit this Link (http://www.presidentronpaul.741.com/news.html#newsroom)

Thinking outside the idiot box of politics

Josh O'Bryant

In a time of popular political opinions, I believe wholeheartedly that when opinion is given, there should be complete truths and complete information given to the American people.

Despite what disinformation that is played out over the mainstream media and all other venues of the like, I find it distasteful that the American taxpayers/voters are played for sleeping sheep.

I am fully aware of the fact that the mainstream media chooses our candidates for president by downplaying other candidates still in the race.

Despite popular opinion, the American voters have more choices than the popular three candidates that are dangled in front of our eyes every day on television.

Have we forgotten the fact that the Congressman from Texas, Dr. Ron Paul, is still in the race on the Republican ticket?

Let me stop you before you say, “He doesn’t even have a chance in winning.” Which is pretty much a fact, but why is that so?

If you go back to the debates (http://www.presidentronpaul.741.com/debates.html#debates) from earlier this year, you will see that candidates like Dr. Paul and Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee were given limited amount of time compared to the vast majority of time allowed to speak for Romney, Giuliani, Thompson and McCain.

What is funny is that Dr. Paul received a record-breaking amount of support and campaign finance from a vast majority of American people.

In the Wikipedia online free encyclopedia, you can read that Dr. Paul raised more money than any other Republican candidate in fourth quarter 2007, which is one of the many reasons that Dr. Paul should have been treated like a viable candidate.

That is something that Fox News and CNN and the like choose to ignore, and they keep having the American voters unaware of Dr. Paul.

The simple fact that Dr. Paul is not only a very popular choice amongst young voters and a vast number of constitutionally aware individuals, but he has also definitely made an impact on this campaign and the minds of voters, despite what the mainstream media wishes to ignore and certain presidential “experts” choose to ignore as well.

I will give you a little information that might have been ignored in this election that many readers may not have been aware of or not have been given the opportunity to be aware of.

On his stance on Iraq, Dr. Paul believes a just declaration of war after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks should have been directed against the actual terrorists, Al-Qaeda, rather than against Iraq, which has never even been linked to the attacks.

Dr. Paul considers it a “boondoggle” for the U.S. to spend so much money policing other countries’ borders, like the Iraq–Syria border, all the while leaving its own borders porous and unpatrolled. Dr. Paul firmly argues that the U.S.–Mexico border can be crossed by anyone, including potential terrorists.

In Dr. Paul’s stance on government, he believes that the size of federal government must be decreased substantially. He has asserted that Congress has never had the power to impose a direct income tax and supports the repeal of the 16th Amendment.

On Constitutional rights, Dr. Paul has consistently advocated the federal government should not be involved in citizens’ every-day lives and he believes that prayer in public schools should neither be prohibited nor mandated at the federal or state level.

On abortion, Dr. Paul calls himself “strongly pro-life” and “an unshakable foe of abortion.”

On health care, Dr. Paul has called for passage of tax relief bills to reduce health care costs for families.

Dr. Paul has never voted to raise taxes.

Dr. Paul has never voted for an unbalanced budget.

Dr. Paul has never voted for a federal restriction on gun ownership.

Dr. Paul has never voted to raise congressional pay.

Dr. Paul has never taken a government-paid junket.

Dr. Paul has never voted to increase the power of the executive branch.

Dr. Paul voted against the Patriot Act.

Dr. Paul voted against regulating the Internet.

Dr. Paul voted against the Iraq war.

Those are just a few of the details overlooked during this presidential campaign.

Now some readers may be asking, “Why does this matter now?” The answer I can give to this is in the form of a question, “Why is Hillary still a choice then either?” Considering the fact that, unless superdelegates save her campaign, she is pretty much out and we are all scratching our heads trying to make sense of who to vote for in ‘08.

Ron Paul will not win the election. Voters will never be given the right to a fair and balanced election when the mainstream media downplays and ignores all candidates in presidential elections.

Here we are in a time where we see the Federal Reserve, which is a private bank and not part of our government, bail out Wall Street elites and not the American people in the mortgage crisis. Then if you study the law, you will find that there is no law that requires American workers in the private sector to pay federal income tax, and it is just enforced upon us.

Now what red-blooded American would want to have to do that? I don’t want you to take my word for it; look it up.

That is just one of the major problems in this country that a man like Dr. Ron Paul wants to abolish as well as abolishing the IRS, but no one is brave enough in the mainstream media to address to the American voters and give them a fair and balanced election.

Maybe we should be voting for our values and not just voting for the person.

Josh O’Bryant is a staff writer with the Walker County Messenger. He can be reached at jobryant@walkermessenger.com jobryant@walkermessenger.com.

Link (http://news.mywebpal.com/news_tool_v2.cfm?show=localnews&pnpID=730&NewsID=897580&CategoryID=16718&on=1)

For more of todays articles on Ron Paul, please visit this Link (http://www.presidentronpaul.741.com/news.html#newsroom)

Truth Warrior
04-26-2008, 05:57 AM
What is funny is that Dr. Paul received a record-breaking amount of support and campaign finance from a vast majority of American people.
Did I just doze off and miss something or was Josh smokin' something funny? :D

04-26-2008, 08:17 AM
Truth Warrior
Did I just doze off and miss something or was Josh smokin' something funny?


04-26-2008, 09:41 AM
Can you digg (http://digg.com/2008_us_elections/Josh_O_Bryant_Thinking_outside_the_idiot_box_of_po litics) it?

Yes you can!

04-26-2008, 02:48 PM
Found this and more like it.

Beyond Ron Paul, It's Time to FIRE CONGRESS!