View Full Version : Idea: State Conventions + Ron Paul Delegates + RP's New Book

04-25-2008, 09:02 PM
Short Synopsis: Send every delegate to their state convention with one copy of "The Revolution" to gift to any attendee of the convention who is not yet familiar with the ideas and positions of Ron Paul.


It seems that one of the most difficult parts of the grass roots movement is outreach to existing Republicans. Many of our delegate friends throughout the United States have been met with disdain and chicanery in county and district caucuses. This is a difficult start to building bridges with the "old guard", and if we are to achieve any level of long-term success, it will be won, not through the winning of seats (which,we have found, can be difficult to defend), but with the winning of *understanding*


It seems that one of the most eloquent, succinct, and effective argument for Ron Paul IS Ron Paul. If you haven't read "The Revolution: A Manifesto", I would recommend doing so. It is compact, to the point, and represents most of the major ideas that we have been trying to convey, especially regarding the most contentious issue traditional Republicans seem to have with Ron Paul -- foreign policy.

Even if an uninitiated reader may not agree with everything in the book, at least he or she will have an avenue by which to *understand* these ideas, which the mainstream political machine has wilfully ignored or distorted.

If seems that we will have delegates at various state conventions throughout the United States.

So what if they came bearing gifts?

What if every delegate were to bring one copy of "The Revolution" to give to any non-Ron Paul state convention attendee? They could be wrapped in simple, unassuming brown paper with perhaps a small note, explaining that our presence at the convention is not to commit shenanigans, but at the very least to be heard and understood by a party that many of us are attempting to work within.
