View Full Version : Is Ron On Oregon Ballot??

04-24-2008, 06:44 PM
Just got voter guide but Ron isn't in it. He has a lot of support here.

04-25-2008, 05:14 AM
Yes, he is on the ballot. His name appears in the Table of Contents under "Republican Presidential Candidates" in the Voter's Pamphlet along with McCain. However, neither of them are profiled. I'm not sure why he doesn't have a profile.

The deadline to file for a profile was March 13th and cost $1000. I'm not sure if campaign knew about that. We'll find out why soon, but regardless, we have to promote Ron any way we can. Only way I see that happening is www.ronpaulnewspaper.com or a full page ad in the local papers.

04-25-2008, 09:23 PM
FrannLee solves the riddle:
"This morning I spoke with Lou Moore - I believe he is Ron Paul's campaign manager (?) who confirmed that they did NOT file with Oregon for entry into the voter guide."

Disappointing considering Oregonians have donated to the campaign, but don't let this deter you. We still have a newspaper ad that can do the job, but we need people to make it happen. The way I see it, this is the people's campaign and WE have to make it happen - even without the official campaign.

Bradley in DC
04-25-2008, 10:06 PM
FrannLee solves the riddle:
"This morning I spoke with Lou Moore - I believe he is Ron Paul's campaign manager (?) who confirmed that they did NOT file with Oregon for entry into the voter guide."

Disappointing considering Oregonians have donated to the campaign, but don't let this deter you. We still have a newspaper ad that can do the job, but we need people to make it happen. The way I see it, this is the people's campaign and WE have to make it happen - even without the official campaign.


04-26-2008, 09:32 AM
this was posted on my MySpace bulletins today:

In what has to be the GOP / RNC'​s most blata​nt and illeg​al move to date to suppr​ess Ron Paul,​ Congr​essma​n Ron Paul has been left off of the ballo​t of May 20th Prima​ry in the state​ of Orego​n.​

I guess​ if they can'​t keep peopl​e from votin​g for Ron Paul using​ the media​.​.​.​they are now going​ to just erase​ him from publi​c recor​d as if he never​ exist​ed.​

I KNOW you peopl​e aren'​t going​ to sit this one out and let the GOP / RNC get away with it. I don'​t care what state​ you live in.​.​.​your asses​ bette​r be on the phone​ to the Orego​n State​ GOP party​ offic​e and DEMAN​D Ron Paul be put on the ballo​t.​


Chair​:​ John Bell
Phone​:​ (​541)​ 758-​4939

Should we confirm that Ron is in fact on the ballot in Oregon? The bulletin above provided no evidence to support it's claim....but maybe we're better off safe than sorry?

04-27-2008, 06:04 AM
Please reread:

Yes, he is on the ballot. His name appears in the Table of Contents under "Republican Presidential Candidates" in the Voter's Pamphlet along with McCain. However, neither of them are profiled.

The Voter's Pamphlet is a book that describes all the candidates and their platforms - if they are willing to pony up the cash to be in it. It is separate from the ballot. Ron Paul is on the ballot. He is not in the Voter's Pamphlet.

04-30-2008, 01:19 PM
The Oregon Secretary of state(a democrat) has specifically stated that Ron Paul WILL be on the ballot. I'd have been in his face severe if otherwise.

04-30-2008, 01:28 PM

Come on Bradley, are you really surprised?

HQ cannot be depended on to do anything. I hope none of these people get any credit for this campaign's (relative) success, because they sure as heck don't deserve it. In fact things would've probably been better off if Dr. Paul had run alone without any staff whatsoever.

04-30-2008, 04:34 PM
In Oregon, you only need 3.5% to qualify for delegates, so he better be on the ballot.

05-01-2008, 01:59 AM
I'm really disappointed they weren't on top of this, because:

a) it is one of the best ways to reach last-minute voters

b) I already sent the campaign 15% of that fee

c) the campaign has 4 million it doesn't know what to do with

d) McCain isn't in the pamphlet, which would have given us an edge

Who is running the campaign, anyway?

05-01-2008, 07:45 AM
This may help. I ditto Bradley in DC


05-01-2008, 07:50 AM

I hope there are plans to run a lot of newspaper ads that promote RP.
It's best if they come from private individuals (not rely on HQ). Maybe
some of the $4m should be refunded to doners so that the ads can get