View Full Version : Bad news . . . again

04-23-2008, 06:22 PM
I don't know about you folks, but I am getting really sick of hearing about bad news. Maybe that means not coming here so frequently. Anyone else holding on to that last ounce of hope? I'm trying not to despair about the situations at home and abroad. Anyone else depressed frequently, now that you are "awake." I remember being much happier, or I guess complacent is the better word, before I found the truth, and before I found out about Ron Paul. Yes I was happy when I found out about him, and yes we can make noise at the convention, but it seems the nation will have nothing to do with common sense and liberty, instead preferring totalitarianism. I have a minor anxiety problem too, as I've had my whole life, but now this problem is amplified. Am I alone here?

04-23-2008, 06:36 PM
I feel well balanced now! About 2 years ago I was one of those people that didn't pay attention to what was going on in the background and was blissfully ignorant, skipping along to the common beat. Now I can't get enough. Yes it can be a bummer but in the words of the infamous GI JOE "Knowing is half the battle" and I intend on fighting to the end!!! :D

04-23-2008, 06:54 PM
I completely understand where you are coming from. When the covers are removed from your eyes it can be a very frightening feeling, like waking up in a whole new enviroment. You feel things you've never felt before, you see things that never would have meant a thing to you before, and the thought that it's too much can be a huge burden on you and get you so down to the point your almost literally in tears.

It's like debt, when you get into debt it starts out small and then nickel and dimes you until all of the sudden you've maxed out credit cards and then paying it off seems nearly impossible.

What I try to do is focus on things that are fucked up that I can directly effect. I have decided I would like to become my townships committeman for the republican party. Turn that feeling of anxiety into a channel of strength and motivate yourself to affect change locally.

I hate to use a phrase that barrack obama said , "If you can change one mind, then you can change your towns mind, and together we can change a city's mind, and together change the state's,etc etc"

Don't get caught up in things that you have no direct impact on but use the stories that make you anxious to fuel your desire to make this country a better place; If not for yourself, for your children.

I hope this helps

PS- try to stay away from Pharmacueticals, there is a book by a guy named Alex Trudeau called "Naturals cures they don't want you to know" you'd be suprised at how much your diet plays a role in your mental well being, it's no surprise they shove sugar's and McDonalds down our throats, it prevents us from taking strides that we could under a natural healthy diet.

04-23-2008, 06:57 PM
Use the information that your have gained to help yourself through whats coming. Most people are complacent and asleep as to whats going on. The only thing they notice is the price of gas. Thats not enough to help them through. I also think that intricinctly most people realize something is terribly wrong and they are slowing down with spending and trying to save more. Its not enough at this point. They should have supported Ron Paul back last summer which would have given them a head start like it has many of us.

While I'm buying gold, silver and converting my cash to Swiss Franks. You can deposit foreign currency into your bank account like it was dollars and it immediately appears in your balance. So why keep your money in dollars when you don't have to.

04-23-2008, 07:04 PM
Own It or become a victim of It. Prepare you mind to accept the unacceptable. While I was in another life there was a saying, "it ain't nothing but a thing". Take it, use it, move on.


04-23-2008, 07:16 PM
PS- try to stay away from Pharmacueticals, there is a book by a guy named Alex Trudeau called "Naturals cures they don't want you to know" you'd be suprised at how much your diet plays a role in your mental well being, it's no surprise they shove sugar's and McDonalds down our throats, it prevents us from taking strides that we could under a natural healthy diet.

you mean "Kevin Trudeau", right?? ;)

He also has a book coming out entitled "Debt Cures they don't...". Trudeau was interviewed 2 weeks ago on our local (charleston, sc) talk radio show, Rocky D and went into the background of the US national banks, kennedy's silver certificate executive order, and the inflation tax, and credit card companies... Quite an interesting interview to say the least but I wouldn't expect anything less from the anti-politically correct Rocky D!!! He goes from ranting about subjects like 'baby farming' for welfare checks to Russo's Freedom to Fascism on a daily basis... :D

Rocky D website: http://rockyd.com/

04-23-2008, 08:18 PM
asking yourself why you didn't take the Blue Pill? lol

I don't see any of this as bad news. On the contrary I have much more hope for this country than I did a year ago, hell, than even a week ago. To see 128,000 people come out in PA to support Freedom and Liberty is very inspiring. With over 1 million people that have joined so far, that is a pretty darn good start. It wont be easy. When did we ever think it would be?

But whether it is this election or even several election cycles, I now feel that we can build a sustainable Movement that can infiltrate the power centers and take back this country. Be patient and hold firm to your convictions. We have the weight of future generations on our shoulders. Failure is not an option.

04-23-2008, 08:55 PM
I completely understand where you are coming from. When the covers are removed from your eyes it can be a very frightening feeling, like waking up in a whole new enviroment. You feel things you've never felt before, you see things that never would have meant a thing to you before, and the thought that it's too much can be a huge burden on you and get you so down to the point your almost literally in tears.

It's like debt, when you get into debt it starts out small and then nickel and dimes you until all of the sudden you've maxed out credit cards and then paying it off seems nearly impossible.

What I try to do is focus on things that are fucked up that I can directly effect. I have decided I would like to become my townships committeman for the republican party. Turn that feeling of anxiety into a channel of strength and motivate yourself to affect change locally.

I hate to use a phrase that barrack obama said , "If you can change one mind, then you can change your towns mind, and together we can change a city's mind, and together change the state's,etc etc"

Don't get caught up in things that you have no direct impact on but use the stories that make you anxious to fuel your desire to make this country a better place; If not for yourself, for your children.

I hope this helps

PS- try to stay away from Pharmacueticals, there is a book by a guy named Alex Trudeau called "Naturals cures they don't want you to know" you'd be suprised at how much your diet plays a role in your mental well being, it'srings me no surprise they shove sugar's and McDonalds down our throats, it prevents us from taking strides that we could under a natural healthy diet.

Good advice from everyone. Definitely eased my tension. I've found an escape in reading literature that brings peace. I'm reading The Grapes of Wrath rightr now. Only 60 pages into it and it's already shitting on banks. Beautiful writing. I took SSRI's for 9 months in high school, and got off them. Since then I refused to ever take those kind of medications again.

04-23-2008, 09:16 PM
I don't know about you folks, but I am getting really sick of hearing about bad news. Maybe that means not coming here so frequently. Anyone else holding on to that last ounce of hope? I'm trying not to despair about the situations at home and abroad. Anyone else depressed frequently, now that you are "awake." I remember being much happier, or I guess complacent is the better word, before I found the truth, and before I found out about Ron Paul. Yes I was happy when I found out about him, and yes we can make noise at the convention, but it seems the nation will have nothing to do with common sense and liberty, instead preferring totalitarianism. I have a minor anxiety problem too, as I've had my whole life, but now this problem is amplified. Am I alone here?

do what the smart people do already

instead of fighting idiocy take advantage of it and gain power:)

04-23-2008, 09:58 PM
I have largely dropped out of the 'Ron Paul' scene, but I continue to grow in libertarian thought. I have discovered Milton Friedman as well as the amazing content of http://mises.org

This country was built on the principal of freedom. Real Freedom, not a punchline to some George W. Bush joke. The American Revolution was the greatest single victory for freedom in the history of the world. The teachings of our revered founding fathers seem to be lost, as the federal reserve bails out the banking industry. The banking industry, aka the federal reserve, made a deal for more government control.

Remember the words of Andrew Jackson (concerning the bank of the US): "beyond question that this great and powerful institution had been actively engaged in attempting to influence the elections of the public officers by means of its money.

If you take a historical perspective, you can see that our government is completely out of control. We have been too confident of ourselves. We thought that we could create gold, consume, and dictate terms to the rest of the world... instead, we start new wars to prop up our economy.

It is bleak, but we are the hope. We are the heirs to our founding fathers. We are entrusted to carry their principals into this new day. No matter how much you hear it, hope is not someone receiving government dollars, while the value of those dollars decline to new lows and Americans become poorer by the minute.

We must continue with vigilance, on a local, state, federal, and personal level. This may seem to be a dark hour: remain hopeful. The polls tell us that America is ready for a 'change'. A return to its roots is the rightful change. History and human nature tell us that our way of thinking will become more attractive if tyranny persists.

Our voice must be heard. It must be louder and more personable than the voice of the communists and fascists. We are custodians of the constitution. Without us, all that the founding fathers fought for will be lost.

04-23-2008, 10:07 PM

04-23-2008, 10:51 PM
As I've struggled in my own life to find personal happiness, I can only tell you that if you look across all people, through all history, no matter how bad it got for people, or how good it is for others, There are Happy people and Sad people in either group.

Things around you might not be what you want, but feeling bad about that isn't going to help, in fact, it can only make things worse. If your situation does improve, it will be in spite of the negative attitude.

You control everything in your future, take all of the obstacles that get in your way as a better story in the end. Who wants to tell their progeny that they played by the rules, took it easy, and got everything they wanted without learning anything?
