View Full Version : Dave Ramsey Talks About Socialism in America

08-21-2007, 02:39 PM
Man, I swear, the more I compare Dave Ramsey's position on issues to those of Ron Paul's, the more I think either Dave already is a strong supporter of Dr. Paul's, or ... needs to become one.


One thing I'm personally not completely clear on, is Ron Paul's position on Fair Tax / Flat Tax. I know he doesn't think the IRS and Income Tax should've been there to begin with, but the phase-out will take some time. Which way would he lean?

Here's more from Dave Ramsey. A letter to <your> congressman (Social Security Reform):

Matt Collins
08-21-2007, 07:01 PM
We should all e-mail Dave and tell him that Ron Paul is the only candidate who wants to run the government in a fiscally responsible manner. Dave should endorse Ron Paul:


08-21-2007, 07:24 PM
Hear hear.

Dave Ramsey has big passion. Big anger, even... But he contains it almost too well.

I would finish maxing out my Ron Paul contributions, even if it put me in (bigger) debt to hear Dave proclaim that Dr. Paul is the only candidate running who sticks by fiscally-responsible government to his radio audience (millions).

For those who aren't familiar, Dave Ramsey caters mostly to those who are "in over their heads" and want to get out of debt and build accountable wealth without "cheating" anyone, but surviving at the same time. This is a huge audience.

He's not about tricking the numbers from one APR to another, it's just about getting rid of the lenders over you ("Borrower is SLAVE to the lender"), then YOU ultimately ruling your own financial future, instead of letting all the tiers of government strip from your input's potential just to reallocate a taste of your life's work nector later (maybe).

Matt Collins
08-21-2007, 08:06 PM
I've run Dave Ramsey's show here in Nashville on his home station (WWTN). I am a talk radio producer, and very familiar with him.