View Full Version : Lawson's Campaign

04-21-2008, 02:05 PM
How is BJ Lawson's campaign for Congress going?

I get regular updates on the facebook group, but I haven't seen much in the local press, and I've seen zero polling results. Lawson is a superb candidate and I know he can get elected if he just manages to win the primary.

PS: I swear I got an email from Vernon Robinson throwing his support behind BJ.....sigh.....that guy was quite the character. But it was a fairly glowing email.

04-21-2008, 05:03 PM
The campaign is going great. We're cautiously optimistic we're going to win the primary. I'm personally 90% sure we're going to win. I'm working on coordinating the election day GOTV efforts right now, as well as Precinct Captains.

Honestly, the primary is the easy battle. It'll be the general that'll be the hard fight.

You haven't seen any polls because no one has done any. We haven't done any (although we may do one before election day), our opponent can't afford to do one (and not like he'd release his internal polls even if he could) and no media outlets or polling firms have done any.

As for campaign updates, we do a lot more updates via our mailing list than on Facebook. So, to get more frequent and better updates, I recommend signing up on the campaign website: http://www.lawsonforcongress.com/join/

The campaign blog is also updated regularly: http://blog.lawsonforcongress.com/

(For instance, it was updated just today by BJ to show that he got endorsed by the Duke College Republicans!)

I also try and post regular updates on the campaign here on the forums. I'll try to get a new one up either tonight or tomorrow.

On the subject of media, there's a media page on the campaign website here: http://www.lawsonforcongress.com/media/

We also got some press yesterday which has not yet been added to that page yet, but you can find here:


Finally, on the subject of Vernon. You probably did get such an e-mail because Vernon does support us and has formally endorsed BJ. He's a great guy (who also supports Ron Paul, by the way), and he's spot on when it comes to 90% of issues, but I certainly don't approve of some of his past campaign tactics and campaign attacks. Neither does BJ. He went too far in his runs against Virginia Foxx, and especially against Brad Miller (and I can't stand Brad Miller).

04-21-2008, 11:11 PM
By the way...


04-22-2008, 01:08 PM
Fire of Liberty,

I live in the 4th, and work in Chapel Hill. What do you think are BJ's odds in the General Election. Price has been entrenched here so long, that I think he may win, even if he happens to keel over before election day. SOOOOoooo many people tell me, "oh, Price is great...he helped me with my passport that one time....".

Do you think that BJ has a better than 1 in 3 shot (which I think would be terrific!)
Finally, IS there a goal for the fundraising that the campaign thinks it needs to unseat him....say $400k for the general?

04-24-2008, 12:40 AM
Brad Miller....ugh.....

While I don't want to get ahead of myself, what I like most about Lawson is that he's not only a candidate that I agree with on most issues, but BJ seems to have his ducks in an order and looking towards the future we need "clean" & "respectable" candidates like him if we want to take back Congress including the Senate.

04-28-2008, 09:37 PM
Out of the 150+ Republicans I canvassed today I only ran into 1 Cho supporter.

She said he was more "conservative"

Conserving what?



04-30-2008, 04:34 PM
Augustus Cho is running an almost comically inept effort. Out of a couple hundred active party members, this was the best the old guard could do?

BJ should thank him for giving him an excuse to go out and "campaign" in the primary and get his name recognition up. It would have been better for the neocons to just let BJ have the nomination uncontested.

05-01-2008, 03:50 AM
Yeah, I think nobody knows who Cho is

I've ran into a few Republicans who actually knew who Lawson was though.

I guess it's true that most people are undecided right before voting

05-02-2008, 12:28 AM
Cho encompasses every Repulican stereotype.

05-05-2008, 05:34 PM
BJ is the only hope of getting rid of Price who is about everything about a corrupt politician wrapped up in a electable name.