View Full Version : Pope on Yankee Statium

04-20-2008, 01:12 PM
So the former Nazi youth Pope is having a giant mass in Yankee Stadium live on all news networks right now in spanish and english about how too much freedom must be limited and 'respect for authority is a kind of love'.

But what is with the spears or a lance on the crosses on his shoulders and in the giant shield/coat of arms above his head, is that a Shell Oil symbol upside-down in the bottom red part??

AJ Antimony
04-20-2008, 01:51 PM
I want to know how this qualifies as news. The mass is on every MSM channel. Seems odd to me.

04-20-2008, 01:54 PM
When the Pope met Bush he didn't have the guts to tell Bush to end the war in Iraq.

Looks like the Pope has has forgotten about the "Thou shalt not kill" commandment

04-20-2008, 02:00 PM
So the former Nazi youth Pope is having a giant mass in Yankee Stadium live on all news networks right now in spanish and english about how too much freedom must be limited and 'respect for authority is a kind of love'.

But what is with the spears or a lance on the crosses on his shoulders and in the giant shield/coat of arms above his head, is that a Shell Oil symbol upside-down in the bottom red part??

Of course. Catholicism requires unquestioning believers because it's so nutty and convoluted logically and philosophically. I mean, the whole rationale behind the trinity--zoiks! I actually had to study it in undergrad (went to a Catholic University,) when they are logically backed up against a wall, they argument always turns to "faith."

Trust me, I talk to God. :rolleyes:

What else would they promote? And compared to the last pope (one of the most liberal popes,) Ratzinger is hard-core on obedience and old-school Catholicism.

04-20-2008, 02:18 PM
Here is the giant seal above his head that is more prominent than the cross in the "Yankee Stadium Mass". There is an upside down Shell.


04-20-2008, 05:24 PM
Umm this Pope may espouse more traditional Catholicism but there is nothing wrong with traditional Catholicism. I would think if you weren't Catholic it shouldn't matter.

Another thing, Benedict XVI believes in classical liberalism and is a fan of de tocqueville. That should tell you something about his beliefs on freedom. I dont know why everyone on these boards

thinks there is some secret Papal agenda to steal our freedoms allow hordes of hispanic immigrants into the U.S. and promote the NWO.

04-20-2008, 05:33 PM
I dont know why everyone on these boards

thinks there is some secret Papal agenda to steal our freedoms allow hordes of hispanic immigrants into the U.S. and promote the NWO.

Uhh, what? That's a new conspiracy theory to me. Hadn't heard anyone mention that.

04-20-2008, 05:37 PM
Well I read about Tancredo saying the Pope was promoting immigration to bolster Catholics in the U.S.

I also read a post about how the Pope says we should curtail "too much freedom" and someone else claimed he wanted us to sacrifice individuality for some group collective....

04-20-2008, 09:50 PM
Well I read about Tancredo saying the Pope was promoting immigration to bolster Catholics in the U.S.

I also read a post about how the Pope says we should curtail "too much freedom" and someone else claimed he wanted us to sacrifice individuality for some group collective....
It's the Catholic's turn for the conspiracy freaks to jump on. Last time it was the jews. Before that it was the mormons and Romney. Maybe next they'll pick on the Eskimos:cool:

04-20-2008, 10:15 PM
It's the Catholic's turn for the conspiracy freaks to jump on. Last time it was the jews. Before that it was the mormons and Romney. Maybe next they'll pick on the Eskimos:cool:

But that's because there really is a Jewish conspiracy! And I don't like the way those Mormon Eskimos are looking at me, either.

12-22-2009, 02:36 AM
The shell symbol has meaning and i guess the Royal Dutch Shell Oil corp. chose it.


-- Just was talking about this and all I could find was my post, I don't think the Catholic Church is out to get us in modern time.

12-22-2009, 05:26 AM
but that's because there really is a jewish conspiracy! And i don't like the way those mormon eskimos are looking at me, either.


12-22-2009, 07:21 AM
They do look a little shady....


12-22-2009, 08:40 AM
They do look a little shady....


but don't those coats look warm!

12-22-2009, 04:15 PM
The shell symbol has meaning and i guess the Royal Dutch Shell Oil corp. chose it.


-- Just was talking about this and all I could find was my post, I don't think the Catholic Church is out to get us in modern time.

The fact that the Catholic Church isn't "out to get us" really shouldn't be much of a shocker.

The goal of the Catholic Church is to spread their message to the faithful as well as convert others and bring them into the fold. Similar to many other religions and identical to every other Christian denomination.

Considering there are something like 80 million Catholics in this country it is not a surprise that the head of the religion can fill up an 80,000 person stadium and get on national TV.

I'm not Catholic but I certainly defend his right to spread his message, just like the Baptists and the Lutherans and the Methodists can.

Slutter McGee
12-22-2009, 04:30 PM
Having lived in Lubbock Texas, I had to deal with occult religion known as Baptists, who in a fullfrontal attack on my individual liberties, had managed to keep the city dry for over a hundred years.

Some of them were in positions of power, thanks to their masonic rings which disguised their reptilian form. Thankfully, the college population fought back, at won their right to buy beer at a store. Unfortuantely they still have control over the radio stations which play almost exclusively Tejano or Christian music, which produce the subliminal messages causing all of the College students to consume, and obey, and follow.


Slutter McGee

12-22-2009, 04:30 PM
organized religions are no different then the corrupt gop and dnc. they have always been a political tool and power no different then the 2 political parties. Trust yourself before you ever trust organized religion or politicans in the gop or dnc. they are both on the same coin...

ps not attacking anyones faith ,just the corruption in organized religion.

I trust Ron Paul over any religious figure. that says alot about Ron Paul:)

before we had political parties it was religion, one in the same.

12-22-2009, 06:58 PM
Having lived in Lubbock Texas, I had to deal with occult religion known as Baptists, who in a fullfrontal attack on my individual liberties, had managed to keep the city dry for over a hundred years.

If you hate Baptists so much why did you live in Lubbock?

And for the record I am Baptist and I love alcohol.

12-22-2009, 07:10 PM
Fuck you pope.

12-22-2009, 07:19 PM
Fuck you pope.

Classy. Yet another RP supporter that helps the libertarian movement go nowhere.

12-22-2009, 08:26 PM
As far as Mormons.

A book full of bs that is 2000 yrs old, ehhh. Some people read it, ehhh.

A book that is full of tons of bs that is 100 yrs old, WTH? And people follow it, frkn nutjobs.

Like voting for L Ron Hubbard, or Scientologist follower, no thanks, too fd in the head for my vote.