View Full Version : S.2237 Ban on assault weapons

04-18-2008, 07:23 PM

Crime Control and Prevention Act of 2007 - Amends the federal criminal code, the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974, the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, the Violence Against Women Act of 2000, and other federal laws to establish and reauthorize programs to prevent and control crime.

Reauthorizes and expands the program for community-oriented policing services (COPS program).

Authorizes the hiring of an additional 1,000 agents for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in FY2008-FY2012. Authorizes the hiring of additional Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) agents.

Establishes a National Commission on Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice to study the role of law enforcement after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

Authorizes appropriations for FY2008-FY2012 for: (1) early Head Start programs; (2) child abuse and prevention treatment; (3) after school programs; (4) grants for local juvenile delinquency prevention programs; (4) juvenile justice intervention programs; and (5) crime prevention in Indian tribal communities.

Provides grants for community service programs for youthful offenders (16-25 years old), for improving juvenile delinquency practice in state courts, for preventing gang membership and gang violence, and for school safety. Imposes new penalties for gang-related violent crimes.

Establishes a National Commission on Crime Intervention and Prevention Strategies.

Reauthorizes or establishes new programs for the reduction of recidivism, for alternatives to incarceration of non-violent mentally ill offenders, and for assisting the reentry of offenders into the community after release from incarceration.

Establishes programs and national task forces to combat child exploitation over the Internet. Authorizes additional funding to hire federal agents to investigate child exploitation. Imposes enhanced criminal penalties for violent crimes against children (under 18 years of age).

Eliminates sentencing disparities between crack and powder cocaine.

Establishes programs for combating drug addiction and drug trafficking and for assisting children of drug addicted parents.

Imposes restrictions on obtaining prescription drugs over the Internet.

Requires background checks of gun purchasers at gun shows. Renews the ban on assault weapons.

Provides for new criminal and forfeiture penalties to combat computer fraud and copyright infringement.

Enhances protections for crime victims with disabilities. Requires courts to enter orders for immediate restitution to victims of crime and protective orders to preserve assets available for payment of restitution.

Establishes the Homeland Security and Neighborhood Safety Trust Fund


Get in touch with your Senators and tell them don't support this bill.


04-18-2008, 07:27 PM
These bills are becoming more and more frequent. It shouldn't be my job to do theirs and waste time trying to protect something that shouldn't have been tampered with. These are liberals and neocons in Congress, they have their own agenda and they will stick to it.

04-18-2008, 07:29 PM
Another "scary black gun" law.

Look at my sig if you want to fight it.