View Full Version : Bailing Out Banks by Ron Paul

Truth Warrior
04-16-2008, 06:14 PM
Bailing Out Banks by Ron Paul

Paul Revered
04-16-2008, 06:32 PM
Great link. I posted it on MySpace.

05-01-2008, 06:06 AM
"Let the invisible hand of the market take care of itself," say the corporate fatcats. The problem is that the dark hand of monopolies and cartels have enslaved the market, resulting in the control of fuel and grain supplies, hence the global hunger crisis we are now in. Instead of the self regulating market rule of "supply and demand," we have a market operating under the rule of "demand and supply," which allows the cartels to control the supply and dictate the demand and the market price that will result. That explains the $5/gallon gas (it's $8 in Germany)

The United States has the strictest anti-trust legislation in the world to ensure these cartels and monopolies do not hold the market hostage, but lobbyists and corporations pay politicians and legislators to look the other way. NAFTA should have addressed this, but in fact the opposite happened. If a country changes a law that cuts into a company's profit, that country is required to financially compensate the company for monies lost b/c of the law change.

For the free market to work, we need to stop corporations from boxing out the competition, and that requires tough anti-trust laws that are strictly enforced. Not enough people understand what needs to be done--they just know they're getting screwed and they don't like it.

Manufacturing jobs went to the third world because labor unions didn't demand a seat at the NAFTA table. You see, the union's pension funds are invested in these bloodsucking corporations, so they looked the other way when NAFTA was enacted. It was the union's own greed that resulted in labor going overseas. If NAFTA had a labor clause that penalized companies for outsourcing their labor, American workers wouldn't have lost their jobs.

Right now we're playing a game of Monopoly with the Banks, Big Oil, the automobile industry, Big Pharma, the Agricultural industry and many other cartels who are squeezing people to the point of losing their homes, their jobs, and even their lives as they slowly starve to death. Without straight arrows like Ron Paul to enforce the law and root out corruption, the market will never be free.

05-01-2008, 08:49 AM
"Let the invisible hand of the market take care of itself," say the corporate fatcats.

No, they don't. They say, "bring on the regulations!" because that's what boxes out competition. Monopolies exist only with government involvement, not in spite of it.

Seriously, let the invisible hand of the free market take care of itself, and you will not have any monopolies (unless they are providing the best services for consumers).

05-09-2008, 08:32 AM
A cartel setting the price of food or grain is practically impossible, just about anyone anywhere can grow food and thereby force cartel prices down. It would never get that far to begin with. There are always alternatives. If say, rice becomes to expensive people will eat something else.

What about an oil cartel? Even they can not dictate prices. OPEC tried in the past and failed, but lets imagine anyway that one company or cartel somehow manages to become owner of all the reserves in the world. They could only drive prices as high as the price of the next cheapest alternative fuel. You know, it is possible to grow fuel much like food. That means its impossible to maintain a price for fossil fuel that is higher than the cost to grow similar fuel. Last time oil was this high Brazil stopped importing fossil fue and converted its sugar to fuel instead as that was cheaper.

The oil producers would be crazy not to charge the highest prices that they could get away with, especially as the reserves are not renewable. You might even say that OPEC is doing everyone a great favor for selling oil below its reproductin cost. As far as im conserned fossil fuel should be about as expensive grown fuel. Maximizing profits, that is what capitalism is all about after all. Its what makes the world go around, and its what makes the world and everyone in it grow more wealthy.
