View Full Version : Ron Paul Needs Help In Congress

04-16-2008, 02:00 PM

SUBJECT: Ron Paul Needs Help In Congress

This is a critical time for our country… Ron Paul is our beacon and he needs more support in Congress to make real change.

Such support will come from a leader with integrity such as Steven Vasquez, an MBA (RPI), entrepreneur(successful tech business called ReQuest) , and a key member in the NY Ron Paul grassroot movement that helped lead to over 7% in the Super Tuesday primary, with no major media or national campaign support. Two of his top priorities are scaling back our military presence overseas and reducing wasteful spending. Steven is running in the NY 21st District and has one of the best chances of winning among the 40 Ron Paul Republicans. The incumbent is retiring this year, leaving an open seat. (98% of the time the incumbent wins). Steven took up Ron Paul’s calling to run locally and will make the hard choices to protect our country and our liberties.

Steven needs your help to win this race. He needs over $200,000 to run a winning campaign. The Ron Paul movement is just getting started! Follow these 4 steps towards freedom…remember, that this one step to initiate hope, multiplied by many, leads to change:

1. Please visit http://www.steven2008.com and donate at least $100, $21, or $10. A show of support, no matter how much it is, goes a long way.

2. Join Steven's Myspace Page at:

3. Become a supporter of Steven’s Facebook page at:

4. Send this message to 4 or more your like-minded friends.

If not you, then who…if not now, then when…be the change that you want to see in our country.