View Full Version : Anyone notice this about Digg?

04-15-2008, 01:54 AM
Anyone notice this about Digg?

First off, I hang out at digg for other reasons besides Ron Paul, and always have. I've never particularly cared about digging Paul news.

Back when there used to be one front page Paul story per day on digg, there were plenty of whiners complaining about how Paul was ruining digg. There were endless idiots shouting "Paul 08" in off topic stories.

Ok, so Paul isn't as popular as he used to be there.

When Paul had one story per day, he was "ruining digg." But, now there are usually 4 out of 10 front page stories praising Obama at any given time of the day. Why isn't Obama ruining digg? I'm pretty sure he's ruining it 3-4 times as much as Paul ever was, not to mention 2 times the negative Hillary stories.

So, where did all of those people go? It's quite odd that they were so offended by real grassroots interest in people like Paul and Gravel, yet they're quite comfortable with media generated interest in Obama. What's going on there?

04-15-2008, 09:43 AM
Ron Paul makes them feel uncomfortable. To those guys anything that doesn't go there way has been "ruined"?

04-15-2008, 09:52 AM
Just bury the pro Obama stories and comments and move on.. it's kind of a sport.
The anti Paul whiners are still there in force.. so I'm careful to digg stories that relate to his platform but not directly related to Paul. I finally opened a separate account just for digging and submitting Paul stories - and nobody has "friended" it. How about that.

04-15-2008, 09:58 AM
I bury everything political that is not pro liberty.

Because tyranny is FTL.

Used to only do PRO stuff, but since there is nothing around to digg. F--k it.. I'm going to bury brigade, just like the anti rp brigade.
Doesn't matter much anyway = we'll get the last laugh.

04-15-2008, 10:01 AM
It'll be fun to see the reaction on Digg when Obama loses in November...

04-15-2008, 10:21 PM
The MSM tells people they should or even have to like Obama.

The opposite for RP.

They dont want to be the Krazy person.

04-16-2008, 02:25 PM
I bury all of those pro-Obama and anti-Hilary submissions as spam since that is all that they are. It may also be worth noting that the founder, Kevin Rose, is an Obama supporter and after he 'fixed' the algorithm there were 10 times more Obama stories than previously and not even a single Ron Paul story. The last one I saw about him was him winning his seat in Congress and that was weeks ago.
I hate the people on Digg. They're too easy to jump on the bandwagon. They're uneducated fools. We used to see intelligent debates on the Federal Reserve and health care now everyone is just sounding like idiots supporting the less evil of two. They think, since Ron Paul doesn't have as much of a chance as he did previously that everyone should support Obama but they fail to realize the presidency isn't a horse race.