View Full Version : interesting short look back

04-14-2008, 08:33 AM
Before everything was biased and the media "kool-aid" was sold the Texas Straw poll results showed how loved deep down John McCain really is to true conservatives:

41.1% Duncan Hunter (534 votes)
20.5% Fred Thompson (266 votes)
16.17% Ron Paul (217 votes) + ~50 votes on the bus=267 <--fyi
6.4% Mike Huckabee (83 votes)
6% Rudy Giuliani (78 votes)
4.7% Mitt Romney (61 votes)
2.2% Ray McKinney (28 votes)
.77% John Cox (10 votes)
.62% John McCain (8 votes)
.46% Sam Brownback (6 votes)
.46% Tom Tancredo (6 votes)
.23% Hugh Cort (3 votes)

Isnt it interesting to see McCain had .62% of the leadership support in Texas, finishing behind Ray McKinney and John Cox; Concerned citizens from georgia and illinois that were doing a run to spread the message of truth.

04-14-2008, 08:49 AM
Now that's how well I would expect a gun-banning, Super Corridor-supporting closet liberal to do in Texas!