View Full Version : Gold and silver payment calculator

04-10-2008, 09:09 PM
Being intrigued with actually using gold or silver in real life transactions or in SHTF scenario's I was always more than a little perplexed in knowing what the equivalents were to make for fair and equitable exchanges.

Until I found this http://www.silverandgoldaremoney.com/ There's also an equivalents chart here http://www.silverandgoldaremoney.com/equivalents.php

If this little program could be loaded into a small hand held device it would be perfect. I still question how paying in this manner would be received in the course of normal business by shop keepers etc...

04-10-2008, 09:33 PM
The math on the silver side is very easy:

Take the current US$ amount that you want to convert into "silver dollars" and divide by the current price of silver. That gives you the number of ounces you need. If you're paying in silver rounds, SAEs or silver Maples, you're done.

For 90% silver, divide the number of ounces by 0.715 (the number of ounces per 90% silver dollar).

Example: you want to pay US$100 and the price of silver is $17.87. 100/17.87 = 5.6 ounces of silver. Divide by 0.715 to convert to 90% = S$7.83 in junk silver coins (rounded to $7.80 since dimes are the smallest denomination).

You could write "0.715" down somewhere in your wallet/purse to help you remember the magic conversion factor.

It's also handy to know the value of a silver dime = price of silver * 0.0715 = $1.28 today.