View Full Version : How to beat the "recommended candidates" blacklists at conventions

04-09-2008, 11:36 PM
The neocons are amassing their enemies lists by telling gullible freedom lovers to sign petitions or be brazenly pro-RP and (if you don't volunteer yourself for execution) by investigating/infiltrating local groups to get name lists.

If you do find a "recommended" list at your convention that blacklists the true conservatives such as RP folks, this might help in some circumstances:

"The party's status quo gave us bigger government, bigger deficits and debt, more corruption and sex scandals, and the 2006 election disaster that handed Congress to Pelosi and the Democrats. Why take their recommendations?"

"I would like to hear each candidate speak but, if my information is restricted to this recommendation list, then I know the safest and best choice for our Republican party is to vote AGAINST the recommendations of the status quo that LED US INTO DISASTER IN 2006."

"If you too want to avoid another 2006 disaster, use this list to vote a straight ticket for the NON-recommended, NON-business-as-usual candidates who will turn this party around to its traditional principles."

You might word it better.


04-10-2008, 02:42 AM
That is very well done.. Memorize those lines!

04-10-2008, 09:13 AM
Thank you.

The latest wave of neocon provocateurs here is goading us into "be proud and open in your support of RP" kamikaze attacks on the conventions so they can gun us down in a turkey shoot.


Matt Davidson
04-10-2008, 10:56 AM
Here's how you beat these lists. Dress up in your ninja gear and go there way early (way before anyone else gets there). Watch anyone that comes in. They will arrive with the lists either in those boxes from staples or a paper bag from office depot or something that's pretty obvious. When they aren't looking MOVE IN and take them. Run like hell and put them in a secure location.

Then go change into a suit and come back to vote.


04-10-2008, 11:08 AM
Thanks for this thread. I'm floored at how openly these guys push their real agendas.