View Full Version : Dork Revolt! Thinking way outside the box to make fighting fascism fun.

04-07-2008, 05:55 PM
Okay. I think I’ve finally got the right mix. Maybe the thing we’ve been overlooking is the importance of having fun. This is my outside-the-box project. In fact, I can barely see the box from here.



This is a game where fact and fiction intersect. It’s your job to find out what is true and what isn’t. What are the parallels between the fictional world and reality? What can be done to stop the concentration of power and total control over citizens’ lives?

The Game Background Story

In a parallel universe, the ruling country of Earth is called the Unmerikan Empire. Unmerika is similar to America in some ways and different in others. The government is controlled from behind the scenes by the central bank and large corporations. These controlling interests work to dissolve the sovereignty of individual countries by opening up the borders and integrating entire continents under umbrella governments. By doing this under the rubric of 'Free Trade' they stealthily advance an agenda for a 'New World Order' to include total domination and control behind a One World Government.

In Unmerika, terrorist attacks are being staged to provide a catalyst for this change. The puppet president of Unmerika has exploited the fear of the people to advance broad executive power. Wars are being waged unilaterally to expand the military and exert geo-political control. Within the country, civil liberties are being abolished. Unwarranted wiretaps and searches are commonplace. Torture has been legalized. A private military force has been created. Legislation has been enacted to prepare the way for a draft. There are rumors that the president is getting ready to wage new wars and declare martial law to prepare for civil unrest.

Since the corporate-government-bankers also control the mainstream press, most people are simply unaware of the gravity of the situation and are oblivious to the hidden and deep-rooted power structure of the country.

The Game

The manager of a cinema in one of the most populus cities in Unmerika is opposed to a One World Government because he believes it leaves too much power in the hands of a few people. He wants to feature films that demonstrate the root of the country's problems but he's afraid if he does the cinema will not remain profitable enough to stay in business. The manager knows that time is of the essence, as the country is quickly and quietly slipping past the point of no return.

The manager brainstorms and finally comes up with an innovative way to make his new venture an instant success: He will make the cinema into a collaborative effort by offering investors permanent advertising space on each seat as a kind of ‘share’ in the cinema. That way, he can work together with investors to promote the cinema. This will not only allow the cinema to stay in business and investors to get more attention for their endeavors but most importantly the citizens of Unmerika can be informed about what is really going on.

As many people buy ads in the cinema, the manager believes it will reach a tipping point where millions of people pour in to watch the films and also to see how the innovative cooperative business model works. He also hopes his little project will inspire others around Unmerika to use the power of creativity to fight the powers of control and dominance.

By featuring the right combination of 30 films that show "The Big Picture", the cinema may just awaken enough people to reverse the trend of world government before it's too late!


There's information about me in the Blog section.

Enter the Game (http://milliondollarcinema.com)

Thoughts? Suggestions? Improvements? Criticism? Questions?

04-07-2008, 06:07 PM
Do you have any programming experience?
Dark Basic?
Power Basic?

04-07-2008, 09:10 PM
LISP and Scheme

Do you have any programming experience?
Dark Basic?
Power Basic?