View Full Version : Alex Merced - LibertyWarChest.com - Update

04-04-2008, 02:42 PM
We have another fundraiser @ LibertyWarChest.com April 14th for the LiberythPAC, I am yet to post the May fndraiser I will after the April one.

Otherwise I been pretty usy studying for the series 7 this month, once I'm done and licensed I will be back full force into the movement. I have been watching and reading. When I come back I got a lot to say.

04-04-2008, 03:08 PM
Good to see you are back Alex.

04-04-2008, 03:38 PM
been a while Alex!

you have been missed.

04-04-2008, 06:55 PM
I have still been posting in the blog, most of my newer videos are just of me playing guitar.

Mostly I been following the feds actions of late, but I feel I've already pretty much beaten into the ground the effect of the fed in my blog and videos.

Although the fed has taken it to a new level since I started stock broker training.

Hopefully, I'm able to open account in a fair time frame so I can have some money to pump into the cause.