View Full Version : Gunshots by Computer!

Sentient Void
03-20-2008, 04:09 PM
For those of you who are not as much in-tune or even really into todays music... or Nine Inch nails for that matter - Trent Reznor is a genius. He creates each piece of music with every instrument seperately, and mixes them all together himself.

His last album "Year Zero" was very political in nature, and voiced a concern about the direction this country is moving towards. Even the album before that - "With Teeth" had some political overtones.

When I heard this song ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CguJeODNMks ) on his latest remix album, it just really made me think about all of this. This country, our liberties being taken away - and the voices of the internet calling it out and moving onto the streets.

In a sense, this revolution of thought, Ron Paul - etc are like Gunshots by computer based on a foundation of the internet.

03-20-2008, 04:19 PM
Great thoughts! I love Reznor, I'll have to look those albums up, I tend to get out of the loop. I think that it is interesting to note that other outlets such as tv and movies are profoundly more political in their nature recently. Hhm, I wonder why? Could it be political dissent among the masses? And yet, hundreds of thousands of people appear to be voting for the same old front runners. What BS!

Sentient Void
03-20-2008, 04:28 PM
Here's another great one you should check out...

The Beginning of the End Ladytron Remix

seeing the world turning more militant and fascist... how many peoples lives are being destroyed for selfish bureacratic reasons (speaking about the brass).

"they see no consequence... this is the beginning of the end"