View Full Version : We've Been Neo-Conned

Truth Warrior
03-20-2008, 08:19 AM
We've Been Neo-Conned by Rep. Ron Paul, MD

An oldie but a goodie.<IMHO> :)

03-20-2008, 08:26 AM
They agree with Trotsky on permanent revolution, violent as well as intellectual.
They are for redrawing the map of the Middle East and are willing to use force to do so.
They believe in preemptive war to achieve desired ends.
They accept the notion that the ends justify the means – that hard-ball politics is a moral necessity.
They express no opposition to the welfare state.
They are not bashful about an American empire; instead they strongly endorse it.
They believe lying is necessary for the state to survive.
They believe a powerful federal government is a benefit.
They believe pertinent facts about how a society should be run should be held by the elite and
withheld from those who do not have the courage to deal with it.
They believe neutrality in foreign affairs is ill-advised.
They hold Leo Strauss in high esteem.
They believe imperialism, if progressive in nature, is appropriate.
Using American might to force American ideals on others is acceptable. Force should
not be limited to the defense of our country.
9-11 resulted from the lack of foreign entanglements, not from too many.
They dislike and despise libertarians (therefore, the same applies to all strict constitutionalists.)
They endorse attacks on civil liberties, such as those found in the Patriot Act, as being necessary.
They unconditionally support Israel and have a close alliance with the Likud Party.

It's almost incomprehensible to me how this group of ideas came to dominate politics--the American people are so fucking stupid.

Uncle Emanuel Watkins
03-20-2008, 08:39 AM
It's almost incomprehensible to me how this group of ideas came to dominate politics--the American people are so fucking stupid.

We should never criticize the actions of the people; rather, we should understand that we give legitimacy to false American movements when addressing them with our criticism. Instead, we should sit quietly knowing that true American movements in the past moved our nation back from the brink of the tyranny of legal precedents, a beast made up of principalities and powers, to a direction towards the civil purpose in the Constitution regarding the collective contentment of all Americans.

03-20-2008, 08:44 AM
We should never criticize the actions of the people

Sorry, but they've really turned into zombies; it's pathetic.

03-20-2008, 09:30 AM
Wow. That's about as detailed as it gets. It's interesting to note how these tyrants came to power in the first place. Amazingly slow and patient. It tells me that to get our country back we're going to have to have the same patient, methodical approach. I think Uncle's title is correct though, to succeed, we have to find a way to get our ideas of freedom and the Constitution into the political discourse in as many ways as possible. We've got to find more ways to teach non-interventionism as a real strategy.

Uncle Emanuel Watkins
03-20-2008, 10:00 AM
We've Been Neo-Conned by Rep. Ron Paul, MD

An oldie but a goodie.<IMHO> :)

The modern-day, limited-government movement has been co-opted. The conservatives have failed in their effort to shrink the size of government. There has not been, nor will there soon be, a conservative revolution in Washington. Political party control of the federal government has changed, but the inexorable growth in the size and scope of government has continued unabated. The liberal arguments for limited government in personal affairs and foreign military adventurism were never seriously considered as part of this revolution.

Rather than speaking in old world terms based on Aristotle's "golden mean," we need instead to create a new political spectrum which is uniquely American. We also need a fresh American movement idealistic enough to appreciate how it was necessary to pass certain measures during the Civil Rights and Reagan movements to effectually return our nation to the civil purpose in the Constitution; while, we also need a movement realistic enough to realize how such measures quickly erode into worthless legal precedents. Such lucrative stirring of left over legal precedents by law makers today endangers the Constitution.
For example, the Clinton and Bush Jr. administrations have not represented true American movements; but, to the contrary, they represent false movements which only stir up left over legal precedents which were once viable measures during both the Civil Rights movement, in the case of the Clinton administration, and the Reagan years, in the case of the Bush one. The result of this stirring up of left over legal precedents has been a recent return to tyranny.