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03-17-2008, 06:03 PM
OBJECTION: John McCain has enough delegates, he has won. no reason to go out and vote.

YES, John McCain has sealed the nomination. Now it is time to send a message to the Republican Party that we the people want them to respect and honor the US Constitution.

How do we do that?

We have a huge slate of delegates right now, all strict Constitutionalists. Vote for them in the Primary, and send us to the National Convention to return the honoring of the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights to the heart of the GOP Platform.

Quick answer: If John McCain has already won, then we can send him a message stating that he had well better respect the Constitution, by voting for Ron Paul in the upcoming Primary.

03-17-2008, 06:17 PM
Bang! Right between the eyes!

Yes, Paul doesn't have to have the nomination to win- if we have a strong showing, then McCain will have to pander in order to win the votes somehow. (Personally, I'd prefer to bind him because I am not going to take his word for it but this is too premature anyway).

03-17-2008, 06:50 PM
OBJECTION: Ron Paul has a Cut n Run foreign policy, we can't afford that in the War on Terror

NO, Ron Paul from the beginning has suggested using the Constitutional instruments available to our government, which will be more effective in the War on Terror than blunt military force. Instruments such as "Letters of Marque and Reprisal" are more suited to the capture of Bin Laden and Al Qaieda than any nationalist wars.

From the beginning we were told that we confronted a non-nationalist enemy, therefore we should use the non-nationalist tools which the Constitution has provided for our common defense.

But isn't the War on Terror something new?

NO, America's first war, following the Revolution, was against radical Islamic terrorists. It was called "The Barbary Pirates War" and we waged it with President Thomas Jefferson at the helm. When war began, President Jefferson ordered a Koran from the Library of Congress, and they got him one. He read it from cover to cover and then began to direct his military to defeat them.

He coordinated a campaign of using Letters of Marque and Reprisal type instruments to bounty enemy pirates, and then coordinated the mercenaries and bounty hunters who responded with the US Marines. Thomas Jefferson fought, and quickly won America's first war against radical islamic terror. Ron Paul's plan, from the beginning, was to start by fighting it the same way Jefferson did, and to develop the strategy from there to suit the modern age.

Quick answer: Ron Paul's foreign policy creates a stronger bulwark against terror, both foreign and domestic, by adapting maneuver warfare to neutralize the root causes and motives creating the burgeoning terrorist population.

03-17-2008, 06:55 PM
No, McCain has not sealed the nomination. I'm not even going to read the rest of your posts just for saying that. Look more.

03-17-2008, 06:57 PM
No, McCain has not sealed the nomination. I'm not even going to read the rest of your posts just for saying that. Look more.

Apparently you are unfamiliar with "overcoming objections"

This is the kind of stuff you get door to door.

Do you spend a half hour explaining technical delegate stuff, or do you give them a reason to vote for Ron Paul and move on? :)

03-17-2008, 06:59 PM
Apparently you are unfamiliar with "overcoming objections"

This is the kind of stuff you get door to door.

Do you spend a half hour explaining technical delegate stuff, or do you give them a reason to vote for Ron Paul and move on? :)

I explain the technical delegate stuff to people like us who are going to conventions. If you're talking about canvassing other delegates to vote for Paul, then no, I don't know any real life delegates.

03-17-2008, 07:01 PM
Apparently you are unfamiliar with "overcoming objections"

This is the kind of stuff you get door to door.

Do you spend a half hour explaining technical delegate stuff, or do you give them a reason to vote for Ron Paul and move on? :)


Some people are just weird, Gunny.

03-17-2008, 07:04 PM
I explain the technical delegate stuff to people like us who are going to conventions. If you're talking about canvassing other delegates to vote for Paul, then no, I don't know any real life delegates.

I am talking about going into a neighborhood where you have done lit drops a couple days ago, and a sign-bomb a week ago, and ringing doorbells and knocking on doors telling the people you meet about Ron Paul. Or going to the strip and standing out by the coffee shops handing out lit and talking to people. Asking them to vote for Ron Paul.

03-17-2008, 07:34 PM
OBJECTION: Ron Paul is a kook!

Sez who? MSNBC? The media company owned by GE, the largest military contractor in the world? Or CNN, generating mountains of revenue from Lockheed Martin, or Fox, managed directly by a self-admitted political operative?

Oddly enough, most of the people voting for Ron Paul know his platform and his 30 year voting record inside and out. Do you?

The Ron Paul platform is the same platform that made our nation great, that turned the United Stated into a world superpower, and eventually the worlds only superpower. We are losing that status now, with the advance of Europe and China. It is imperative that we return to the policies that made us a superpower in the first place, in order to compete on a global level.

But what can Ron Paul do to change anything?

Ron Paul can establish a strict Constitutionalist approach to the Executive Branch, and through veto power encourage Congress to more closely honor the Constitution themselves.

It was a Constitutional approach to free markets and the free market of ideas which led to the great innovations that made America the greatest power on Earth. Overregulation and too much "Big Brother" stifles innovation and enforces conformity in the marketplace and amongst the population.

We as a nation must regain the initiative and reward innovation, and thereby gain in influence throughout the world markets.

Quick answer: Third hand gossip will get you as far as the water fountain. The truth you are not supposed to know is that Ron Paul is probably the most reasoned candidate in a century. Read this and see for yourself!

03-17-2008, 09:04 PM
I'm ready to go door to door. So many people here in Missouri don't even know who Ron Paul is, let alone know he's running for the most powerful office in the world.

Here's a idea that might make going door to door a real hoot....

Think about this... we promote a huge town hall later this summer... we walk up to the doors of our neighbors with big smile and invite them to a upcoming community event. Now some folks will go fishing and will care less about a local town hall event, we don't need them as they never vote anyway But... if we can fill a local auditorium full of real voters and hold a authentic town hall with real questions and solutions... that would be a serious grass roots accomplishment. Yes ?

03-17-2008, 10:14 PM
An emergency session of the peoples' town congress on the Federal Governments obedience to the US Constitution and to the full Bill of Rights. Everybody get together and make your voice heard! Be prepared to draft and select resolutions, and to nominate and vote for delegates from among yourselves, to become our delegation to Congress, to address them with our concerns. Come tell it to Congress!