View Full Version : New DIGG: Ron Paul High Tide Promo- Come On Let's Get This To The Front Page!!!!!!!!

rational thinker
03-17-2008, 03:11 AM
h ttp://digg.com/2008_us_elections/Ron_Paul_The_High_Tide_HighTidePromo_com_2

I honestly believe that this may inspire many "Paul turned Obama" supporters over at Digg to maybe second guess their decisions after seeing this amazing commercial that we can possibly get to air.

P.S. Please post "dugg" to keep this bumped. Thanks.

03-17-2008, 03:15 AM
Dugg and bump.

03-17-2008, 03:55 AM
there is already a digg with 262 diggs - http:// digg.com/comics_animation/Ron_Paul_The_High_Tide

we don't have digg power anymore. digg is controlled by obama lovers and hillary haters

if you ever dugg Ron Paul in past, Ron Paul haters prob added you to their list and next time when you digg something, they bury it. Digg is being abused big time. I am guessing some just sit there search for anything Ron Paul and bury it.

03-17-2008, 05:09 AM