View Full Version : Jefferson County Convention

03-16-2008, 07:24 AM
We had a very similar experience to Fayette county. Votes seemed split down the middle between neocon zombies and real conservatives. Of the real conservatives, I'd say half of us were Ron Paul supporters, and half were a "ProLife ProFamily" group.

We got about 15 of the resolutions adapted from Texas to be read for a vote. It seemed like about half of them passed. Of the ones that failed were the "get out of Iraq immediately," and the "no confidence in John Mcain." I think it is a triumph though, to simply have had these read. I will post the resolutions that did pass, once we get a final list.

As far as nominations to the state convention, the neocon old guard dominated that committee, and we came, like Fayette County, about 10-20% short of the real conservatives we needed to disapprove the slate. We will all still be going to congressional district conventions though, if I understood correctly.

It was a rush everytime I heard the name of one of my Ron Paul buddies called off as we were seated as county delegates. It was also quite satisfying to see the reactions of some of the fascists to the liberty based resolutions we brought. I didn't know the human face could turn that shade of green. All in all though, most were really good sports about it. Keep up the great work guys.