View Full Version : Alaska!!!!!!!!!!!!!

03-15-2008, 08:08 PM
come on alaska give us a update, i know yall got computers up there in that snow!

How many delegates did we get?

03-15-2008, 10:07 PM
come on alaska give us a update, i know yall got computers up there in that snow!

How many delegates did we get?

5 pledged to national convention for sure. Though the Romney, Huckabee delegates are going pledged to them as well. Nobody wanted to really go to represent McCain. Some even hoped that should said McCain not make it they wanted to take no chances. Estimate a little over 300 delegates and about 120 were Ron Paul supporters. Definitly a very strong presence.

It was a very interesting convention, the main goal of removing the GOP chair ended up tabled, but a valiant effort was put forth to remove him. Wouldnt suprise me if he steps down after this election season.

We had representatives in every committe and some excellent resolutions were passed and approved to the Alaska GOP party platform. The best one was at the last minutes of the convention where a resolution to allow RON PAUL to speak at the National convention was passed.

Other resolutions passed:

Abolish the IRS and repeal the 16th Amendment.

Support to get Rid of the Department of Education.

Hemp was removed from Not supporting legalization of Marijuana. Used to be Marijuana/Hemp, was some heated debate on removing it but passed. Its a step.

Not to support Patriot Act, Homegrown terrorism act and Real ID act.

The Ron Paul supporters in Alaska made thier presence known, and that in itself is success. Many spoke out and up, and it was admitted by most other long time GOP here that they need to change in order to keep the GOP party alive and growing. It was noticable that the younger GOP members were mostly ron paul supporters, although there were some older representation as well.

Some Ron Paul supporters were obvious with buttons later in the convention, but there were a lot of us that blended in. That made some veteran GOP delegates uneasy as they couldnt be sure who else was Ron Paul supporters or who was not.

03-15-2008, 10:20 PM
congratulations! The resolutions are extremely important, and Ron Paul delegates are confirmed.

03-15-2008, 10:58 PM
man, i thought we were gonna take that state, guess 5 isnt to bad :(

03-15-2008, 11:02 PM
man, i thought we were gonna take that state, guess 5 isnt to bad :(

Anything that doesn't go to McCain at this point isn't that bad. The victories in MO and KY have more than made up for this.