View Full Version : How to lose and how to win conventions

03-15-2008, 05:41 PM
What NOT to do:

Do NOT be the invader:

Pushing pet issues (hijacking RP's candidacy) instead of pushing RP's 2008 presidential platform (maybe he crafted his platform carefully).
Arguing that voters have to agree with "our" issues instead of showing how RP agrees with the voters' values/issues.
Saying that "we" are going to take over the GOP and impose "our" issues (which is a neocon attitude that will generate a pitchfork mob blowback against RP and turn RP's project into an Iraq-like failure) instead of showing rank-and-file GOP how RP agrees with their issues/values (Constitution, strong national security, et.).


What to do:

Push RP issues without naming them as RP issues when appropriate (push "Republican issues"/"Conservative issues").

Be Mr./Ms. Republican: http://www.ronpaulforums.com/showthread.php?t=119834

We have been discussing these points for over a month but I hope that people do not wait until after they have been skewered with pitchforks to adopt winning methods.

Thank you.

Join The Paul Side
03-15-2008, 06:25 PM