View Full Version : The Media Is The Message!!!

03-14-2008, 10:48 AM
The Internet is not mainstream media. It is MSM that attracts the most viewers and has the most credibility. It is not enough to show a good video on the internet. To achieve maximum effect, it must appear on network TV near the supper hour at newstime.

6 million dollars. That's enough to get this spot on TV. And if it isn't, we can always raise more--money has never been a problem in this campaign--getting the message out to voters in a credible way has been a problem. THE MEDIA IS THE MESSAGE whether we like it or not. Let's make the effort to get off the fringes and into the mainstream.

Those "The Holocaust Happened to People Like Us" videos really sent shock waves throughout the internet, with censors and webcrawlers removing and reposting these videos at a record pace. If this 3D spot has the impact we think it will on Network TV, we could allocate funds to air commercials that effectively show what will likely happen if the US doesn't alter its course & adopt RP's economic and foreign policies.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_gwxfQkQpFo (thanks to beau3d)
http://www.bangitout.com/videos/viewvideo.php?a=991 (thanks to gg545601)

If we're going down this primary, let's do it like General Lee. Give them everything we've got & let them know they were in the biggest fight of their lives. America is worth fighting for!