View Full Version : Federal Reserve Open Market Committee Member at U of Saint Thomas April 10 2008

03-11-2008, 09:00 PM
Dear Fellow Federal Reserve Skeptics,

A great opportunity has come into our own backyards. Arthur J. Rolnick, Senior Vice President of the Minneapolis Federal Reserve, and Associate Economist with the Federal Open Market Committee, will be speaking at the University of Saint Thomas on Thursday, April 10th, 2008. Mr. Rolnick is coming at the request of the Economics Department to speak and take questions. This event will be open to the public.
As a liberty activist and student at Saint Thomas, I am urging all those who question the policies and secrecy of the Federal Reserve to attend. This is a unique opportunity to confront a man who is deeply involved in the inner workings of the Federal Reserve, Arthur J. Rolnick. Stated in his online biography:

“As a top official of the Federal Reserve Bank, Rolnick regularly attends meetings of the Federal Open Market Committee—the Federal Reserve’s principal body responsible for establishing national money and credit policies.”

Many of us know that the Federal Open Market Committee meets in secret, with no accountability to Congress or the American people. I find this deeply disturbing as this committee has dominating control over the value of our money, resulting in complete control over our personal and national financial security. This leads many to have serious questions about who is responsible for the current and worsening economic recession.
I am asking all those who care about our increasingly graven economic future to attend in solidarity and show our dissent for current policy. By attending and speaking up on April 10th, we the people can make an effective impact on the conscience of Mr. Arthur Rolnick. Though some members of congress do question the Federal Open Market Committee’s policy, many do not. We must represent the growing dissent in the United States against inflation, money monopoly, and economic secrecy.
Mark your calendars. If you can take off work, do it. Use a sick day. What is more important: making money that is worth less every day, or demanding to those who matter economic integrity? Though the date is set at April 10th at 12:00 pm, the location is still in the works. Once this information is available I will post it. I hope to set up a preliminary meeting one week in advance to discuss and consolidate ideas about how to make ourselves heard to Mr. Rolnick. Please contact me with any ideas.

Do not let this opportunity slip by; join me in this effort for economic truth and transparency.

All the best,

Kyle Johnson