View Full Version : Photo of Times Square bombing suspect released

03-09-2008, 08:18 AM

With Real ID we could catch this guy! No really! I mean we could have seen it in his wallet in the photo!

We need more cameras! That's it! Yea, more cameras and a big new government department with lots of people watching them! Yea, more $$ please! We could have seen his face through his "hoodie" thing! Yea, really! We need cameras in your face as you walk down ANY street! Start this today! Need $$ for cameras and all the wire too!

We could have stopped him before he did this! If he had Real ID we would have cut it off and he wouldn't be able to eat! If we had a camera on every bicycle we would have had him! More $$ please!

Let's make all bicycles have to get "registered" and need a $$ permit! License plates, yea, more taxes! That would have stopped this! Make people turn in a SD card containing GPS data from every ride they take, make cars do this too!

Make hoodies illegal! No coats or hats either! More laws! We need more laws! We need a Department of Streetland Security! (D-SS) And a Department of Bicycle Emergency Management! More $$ please!

The big question is why there is a camera pointing down to one lane in the street? Or if it's a wider shot reduced down, why is it pointing down from a building at the street?

Anyone live near there that could take a pic of this camera and stuff near it so we could understand this? You can see a USA Today newspaper machine there. Article says "E. 38th St. toward Madison Ave.".