View Full Version : Can A President Create A Cabinet-level Position?

03-06-2008, 05:33 PM

Something very disturbing to me occurred on September 20th, 2001. President Bush announced before a joint session of Congress that he was creating a new Cabinet-level office of Homeland Security and named Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Ridge to the post. Bush actually created a "council" not a cabinet-level position as he stated in his televised address. This was very presumptuous the least on Bush's part. Why did he think he could announce he was "creating" a cabinet-level position and moving all these agencies under its' control. No President can simply decide he is going to put various departments of the government under a new agency, council or department. They can create all the councils they want. However, when it comes to placing various government departments under supervision of a new Cabinet-Level position, that power is delegated to Congress, not the President. The real name of this agency is called the Homeland Security Council. You can read the executive order creating it at the WhiteHouse archives site, www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2001/10/20011008-2.html .

Futhermore, President Bush issued executive orders September 12th, 2002 that basically stripped Americans of their civil liberties pertaining to unlawful search and seizure. These are frightening orders. Do you really understand what the government can take away from your regarding your freedoms and liberties that our Constitution is based on.

And a lot more here: http://www.dldewey.com/columns/jul02f.htm