View Full Version : Are you really giving up now ?

03-06-2008, 03:14 AM
When there are only 2 candidates left ?

Are you really going to give up your principles when we have still a chance to win ?

If you are, you are a shame to this movement, if you really even ever were part of it! This movement is all about fighting as long as we win, just think that how long Ron Paul has fought for his principle, for our principles! It would be the most stupid thing to give up now when we are closer to win than ever. This message is reaching MILLIONS and soon when the economy totally crashes people will look more on to it. Sad but true that "joe sickpackīs" need a SHOCK before they understand how right we are...

This movement is also all against the propaganda machine called MEDIA! We canīt stop that battle neither or USA will be the next Soviet Union...We all know the joke "fair/balanced", but only we the people can restore the meaning of those two words!

If you are quitting now, you werenīt even part of this movement in the first place, the real supporters are now involved with the delegate process and trying to get themselves to the national convention. Remember this when youīre shouting your BS here, the real supporters are out there DOING SOMETHING PRODUCTIVE!

Remember that there are not a person who can say that we have 0% chances, cause that wouldnīt be true...We have a chance, little, but still a chance. And as long as we have a chance we must CONTINUE! Itīs better to live one year as a lion than 100 years as a sheep!

Just my few lines...sorry about the mistakes, english isnīt my first language...

03-06-2008, 03:26 AM
right on