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03-05-2008, 06:55 AM

Ron Paul Revolution – Still Marching on!
Ian Brockwell

March 03, 2008
There are many Ron Paul supporters who are questioning the benefits of having a "Ron Paul Freedom March", not because they have given up hope of Ron Paul becoming the next President, but more about the potential benefits such a march would bring.

Devvy Kidd has written an excellent article called "March on GOP Convention, not D.C." which explains why a march on the GOP Convention would be more successful than the one planned on Washington D.C.

Devvy very effectively highlights the problems facing those who wish to "protest" against the "system" and whilst the supporters have the very best of intentions, these marches are, as she puts it, nothing more than a "feel good exercise"

We have to remember that we (the people) are up against a very professional enemy, an enemy that has incredible financial resources, and the power to bend the rules any direction they wish. But the only reason they gained their wealth and power, was because we allowed them to. However, with the right determination, we can take it away as well.

Many millions of people do not fully understand the power they hold in their hands, and assume that "change" is beyond their reach. They see the enemy as invincible and too powerful to bring down. How wrong you are!

Thankfully, Ron Paul has lit the flame, and for the first time many are starting to believe. It would of course be perfect if Ron Paul was to become President, but even if this doesn´t happen, the battle is not over. What Paul started, the rest can finish!

I agree that a march on the GOP Convention would be more effective (than one on Washington D.C.), and it should obtain media coverage, but more is needed.

There have been suggestions of a one day "general strike" and removing your money from the banks for a couple of days. This would send a powerful message, but the "power brokers" can survive such a limited attack, so would that really change anything in the long term?

The public need to understand that trying to remove a corrupt system is much the same as fighting a war, you have to make plans on how to hurt and defeat your enemy in the most effective way. Just sitting on the ground and singing "give peace a chance" didn´t work in the past, and won´t work in the future. All that does is provide amusement to the "enemy", who are not afraid of a few guitars!

We all know who controls America (and the rest of the world), these are the targets. If you take away their money supply, you take away their power as well. Boycott the media that support the corrupt system (not just for one day, but forever!). If you withdraw your money from the bank, don´t put it back (unless you can find a more honest bank to use).

The troops can play an important part in this too. They are not fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan for freedom, or the safety of America, they are fighting for the "power brokers" who want to become richer and even more powerful! There is nothing unpatriotic in refusing to fight in such wars, and saying "NO" will quickly put an end to it!

This sort of action will work, I guarantee it, but you have to believe that. You have to remember that the odds are on your side. There are 300 million people in the USA, compared to a few thousand (at most) bad guys, what chance have they got? Even if only half of the population were to "revolt", what can they do? Are they going to throw 150 million people in prison? I think not!

It really is time to make a choice, do something positive or stop complaining and remain a slave. What is more important to you and your children, an honest and free country whose leaders work for you, or to watch another episode of "American Idol"? Maybe, like one of Devvy´s friends, you will put Mickey Mouse top of your list? I don´t know about you, but Ron Paul has more chance of helping you than Mickey, Goofy, or any of his friends.

Russian´s waited 70 years to reject the Soviet system, do you want to wait that long comrades?