View Full Version : Texas National Delegate Process

03-05-2008, 02:03 AM
There seems to be some misunderstanding of how the National Delegate process works in Texas. To understand how it works please go here:


Almost every National Delegate is bound to McCain. I truly salute the efforts of everyone at the caucus. The delegate status to which everyone is referring is for the State Convention... not the RNC. By being at the State convention you have a chance to make changes to the TX Republican platform and to send delegates to the RNC. Unfortunately, almost all of the National Delegates will be bound to McCain. Only three National delegates will not be bound... all other will be bound.

JR from Texas
03-05-2008, 08:10 AM
Wouldn't it be great to see Texas officially support McCain at the RNC....

while everyone is holding up Ron Paul signs??

plus, maybe some social studies nut can find a loopwhole about motioning to suspend the rules at the texas state convention.

The point is to stay strong, and win state delegates at the district convention on the 29th!

03-05-2008, 08:23 AM
We will have enough state delegates to guarantee (at least) one hand-picked person to the national convention if we work together. If someone has a way for me to contact Dr. Paul, can you help me? I hear talking to Mrs. Paul is sometimes successful. I have an idea and I have a feeling people want to send me to the national convention, they just don't know it yet.