View Full Version : Can someone make a Youtube Vid with this text?

08-16-2007, 05:08 PM
How unrealistic is it to get rid of the income tax? Let’s take a look:

Income taxes account for ~35% of revenue collected by the IRS.

The federal government’s budget for 2007 is $2.8 trillion.

In order to get rid of the income tax altogether, we’d have to get that down to about $1.8 trillion.

The federal government’s budget in 2001 was $1.8 trillion. Ergo, we would only have to return to 2001 levels of spending to get rid of the income tax entirely. Do you really believe returning to the level of spending we had six years ago is “unrealistic”?

Take-home lesson is: if you give politicians X dollars, they will spend >X dollars, no matter how high X is. Getting rid of the income tax is just plain common sense — repeal that 16th Amendment,