View Full Version : Let unify the factions now...everyone call the independents

03-03-2008, 12:02 PM
I was just sent this link on the CP party nomination voting...


I was talking with others about Moore, Corsi, Smith, Baldwin..

If Ron wont Run.....then what about Ron's friend Goldwater Jr....

What about those in LP connections talk to leadership and lets get a mixed CP/LP ticket with Moore/Goldwater Jr or Corsi or Baldwin ticket

Imagine a REAL WHITEHOUSE group

Pres Moore
VP Goldwater Jr., Corsi or Chuck Baldwin
Sec of State Corsi, Goldwater or Baldwin
Sec of Homeland Sec Tom Tancredo
Sec of Defense Duncan Hunter
Sec of Treasury Ron Paul or Peter Schiff if Ron wants to stay in the house
Sec of Commerce Walter Williams
Attorney General Napolitano


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