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03-03-2008, 07:12 AM

GOP: Goodbye Old Party!

As the leaders and pundits embrace John McCain while ignoring Dr. Paul it is time...
by Gary Wood
(Conservative Libertarian)
The Republican Party is known also as the GOP or Grand Old Party. Perhaps more evident this year than any other we are seeing clear examples this no longer applies. There was a time when the GOP was the source of tough questions by tough conservatives. The party stood firm in its rightful place as the party to voice a check and balance against the rise of the liberal Democratic Party. Founded in 1854 as the party willing to support the ideas of such fearful topics as anti-slavery the party leadership has become the slaves too fearful to raise and question while being more willing to embrace liberal ideals.

Listening to the front runners of this year's Republican Presidential campaign the call for critical thinking and tough questioning is gone. Replaced with ideas of controlling lives through tax incentives, building up troops for ever more battles oversees, embracing socialization and continued centralization of national government, all to a level that would leave Thomas Jefferson and James Madison scratching their heads in disbelief.

Outside the party leadership there are new mouthpieces gaining attention speaking about the Republican Party and who should and should not represent it. Eloquent dissertations of deep thoughts and well conceived questions with reflective answers are being replaced by the likes of Michelle Malkin who believes she can speak for all Republicans when she makes her emotional rants against those within the party still strong enough to be tough.

Everyone who has followed the debates will long remember when Ron Paul dared to make the tough statement about our possible role in creating the world we must deal with today. The Grand Old Party would have paused in reflection while truly weighing all sides and accepting, if any, the role of U.S. policy which may have contributed to the turbulence. From the first Republican President, Abraham Lincoln, there was a foundation laid for the GOP. Republican's were not afraid to meet head on both the challenges facing the United States or the handling of them. If there were errors the GOP would not bury their head in false bravado and even if the message may not have been popular at the moment, the wisdom of critical thinking would win the day. Republicans could be counted on to champion the Constitution and maintain the focus for a sound fiscal policy while dealing effectively with both domestic and foreign affairs.

Ron Paul dared to call into question the impact the path of the United States foreign policy has had on the events fueling terrorist hatred. He was not being unpatriotic, he was not blaming the U.S. for 9/11, he was not speaking out against our troops, and he was not promoting some pacifist, isolationist approach to dealing with the world. Ron Paul was doing what the GOP leaders use to do, he was being brave enough to stand and say we may have some problems in our foreign policy that may just be fueling some of the hatred folks, we need to look at that and fix that immediately. Ron Paul dared to think Jefferson's approach is still applicable today and he dared to put the Constitution in front of the other candidates in an effort to promote a debate on the subject.

Giuliani was first to pounce and denounce him without clearly hearing what it was Paul was saying. His response spoke to the emotional heart of patriots while failing to address the minds of those same patriots. McCain followed suit, ""I thought Mayor Giuliani's intercession there was appropriate, and frankly, very, very excellent," said John McCain. "I really appreciated it because we should never; never believe that we brought on this conflict." We should never, never believe or question our policies and the roles they play? This is to assume we are never, never in error in any of our dealings which is to say we should ever, ever believe all woes are the fault of all others except the leaders of the United States and the policies being followed.

Why? It's easier to win votes with popular rhetoric rather than with tough questioning and even tougher solutions. If there were any doubt the GOP has lost its heritage this sequence of events proved it. Not only did the front runners in the race trash Paul for wanting to look at the entire challenge before us, the nation also had to endure the ill informed, ill conceived opinions of Malkin. Talking to Fox's John Gibson she boldly stated, "Ron Paul really has no business being on stage as a legitimate representative of Republicans." She spits venomous labels of tin hat wearers' and kool-aid drinkers' toward anyone who dare to seek out the root causes of challenges. Michelle Malkin really has no business being on TV as a legitimate spokesperson for the GOP, at least not the once proud Grand Old Party!

The leaders of the Republican Party and the likes of the many Michelle Malkin's currently clogging our airwaves are legitimate representatives of today's Republican Party. The Republican Party which is more liberal in its policies, more embracing of centralized national government and the party that rallies around such leaders as John McCain, while being unwilling or unable to ask the tough questions patriotic, Jeffersonian leaders like Ron Paul dare to ask.

There is no longer a Grand Old Party. Sadly we must bid farewell, Goodbye Old Party.

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2008 by Gary Wood

03-03-2008, 07:24 AM
Maybe instead of marching on the convention, we should stage a parade of hearses.

03-03-2008, 07:34 AM
Yes, The GOP is dead.

And after reading it I noticed another of your articles-- "Ron Paul Supporters Ignore Ralph Nader". I first thought that you were wondering why... but then I read it. Yes, you are right. No doubt. It's a shame the Nader campaign hasn't a clue.


03-03-2008, 07:57 AM
Iagree the gop is a dying party. We either build the party back,or we let it die and create a new Republican Party.

03-03-2008, 09:59 AM
Unfortunately, all the Nader campaign is good for is running interference for the Madman's campaign.