View Full Version : Great job everyone!

03-02-2008, 06:34 PM
You may all have been experts on party bylaws, election rules, and the huge body of regulations that elections must adhere to in your state, but I, for one, was totally clueless. If the majority of you were in the same place I was when I started supporting Ron Paul's message in earnest, I think we're doing a pretty damn good job. I hear stories everyday of "I became a delegate here" and "we motioned for this or that there," and they are so inspiring to me.

We started a year or two years or however long ago cold and without any idea how to procede, and now we're making progress in very real ways. Sure, we may not be winning sweeping victories over the established candidates left and right, but we are exercising our rights. We are political actors with our own measure of power and influence. We are in a position to make a difference that we were not in just a short time ago.

If anything, this campaign has proved that we are not powerless, and our foes are not invincible. We may not get the presidency in November, but we have a plan and we have purpose. I applaud the Ron Paul candidates at all levels of govenment like Sabrin and Sanders. This is more than a candidacy this is a real live revolution.

03-02-2008, 06:38 PM
This revolution has been brewing for a long time... and we've been fighting battle after battle as far back as last may when this forum kicked off the ground.
If you haven't seen this G. Edward Griffon seminar, its a must watch for anyone in the revolution: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6015291679758430958

Its long, but worth it.

03-02-2008, 07:12 PM

03-02-2008, 09:39 PM
Thanks for the reminder that we still have work to do. I agree that instead of just singing to the choir, a lot of people have taken the initiative to participate in local elections where it all begins. The message will be carried forward. Those voters looking for change are all looking in the wrong place if they are not voting for Ron Paul.
I cannot get over the fact that sheeple will not place their vote for someone that the media tells them is unviable, unelectable, and of no consequence. Even when they agree with his message! They actually believe that they would not be doing their patriotic duty unless they vote for the fair haired boy or girl of the media and the powers that be. I am just glad to see that the numbers are growing who do GET the message, and that I am not the only person who is "wearing a tin hat".

03-03-2008, 10:10 PM
What I'm wondering is how can you be for state's rights or small government or even your own personal needs if you take your marching orders from National and Global media, if you vote for a candidate endorsed by a national party. Obama, Hillary, McCain supporters I'm looking at you. The whole idea that some organization or group of organizations that knows nothing about the way you live can pick your presidential candidate is absurd.
In America the citizens sell themselves out.