View Full Version : Please read this!!

03-02-2008, 10:53 AM
All Americans should be aware of the devastating effects of the use of depleted uranium in armaments. Depleted uranium weapons used by the U.S.-led forces in the first Gulf War left battle sites throughout Iraq contaminated with abnormally high levels of radiation. Depleted uranium is toxic as well as radioactive, and causes cancer and birth defects.
These weapons are being used today in Iraq.

Please take a look at the images of these Iraqi children in the links below. These pictures are graphic and disturbing, but they are real and provided by the College of Medicine at the University of Basrah in Iraq.
Please spread the word to let more Americans know about what we have done to the children of Iraq.

How can we make Republicans change their minds?
Why not make an ad featuring the plight of sick Iraqi children?
It will be a wake up call !!

Those Republicans who support the Iraq war have never seen the reality in Iraq.
The main stream media has manuplated the news and never covered the plight of the Iraqi children.
People watch American Idol, etc. and have never had an opportunity to see what is happening on the ground in Iraq.
The best way to make people feel the immorality of the Iraq war is through such an ad.
Even people who support the war will change their minds when they see the pain of suffering children.
They think the war is just some computer game that doesn't cause any real harm.
I believe even evil people have a good heart somewhere.

You can get a movie clip or a still picture of sick iraqi children from Dr. Gary Null's movie "FRIENDLY FIRE"(It was in the CANNE FESTIVAL)
Dr. Null supports Ron Paul, so I don’t think you would have any problem getting the material.

03-02-2008, 11:09 AM
Those pictures are terrible. I wonder if there are children of American soldiers who are suffering the same problems. Perhaps the two nations' children together in an ad would make people understand.

Where would these ads air?

03-02-2008, 11:27 AM
are listed as disabled by the VA. These illnesses are attributed to radiation exposure.

I'd like to take this moment to thank anyone who votes for Clinton, Obama or McCain as they represent the people who will keep killing our soldiers.