View Full Version : Primary Over? You can still get the message out!

02-25-2008, 10:56 AM
We have yet to still have our primary...but the word still has to reach people in states that have had their primaries in order to continue our momentum and gain NEW support...

We are setting up a Ron Paul booth at our local flea market..Cost $30 for the weekend...This is visited by hundreds of people.

We also won tickets to a rodeo this past Friday and went there with slim jims etc...Believe me when I tell you that we do NOT look like rodeo people and this was the first one we've been to.

"Hey Cowboy? Do you know about Ron Paul? " That was all it took to get their attention and interest..

It isn't over til November...So lets share creative ways of getting the message out there...Even if some primaries and caucuses are over...it is our job to wake the masses...while we continue to become delegates.

Share how you are doing it with the rest of us..All of our ideas are important and maybe there are venues that haven't been thought of but can be valuable in passing along our support to RP.