View Full Version : The Contract with Conservatives

02-22-2008, 02:11 PM
This year, my support comes with a very large string attached. I want my presidential nominee to pledge to support the Contract with Conservatives. If he does, then I will work for the nominee and encourage others to do so. But we must know that our hard work will be something. Lower taxes, smaller government, a commitment to life, support for free speech.... these are timeless issues, and Republicans should be leading the charge.

Has this fellow ever heard of Ron Paul? Read the article and send a comment to help him make up his mind. There is also a petition that has almost 20,000 name on it to support this "CONTRACT".

See full article and CONTRACT details here:
h ttp://www.gopusa.com/theloft/?p=661

Supporting the Contract with Conservatives Petition
h ttp://www.gopusa.com/activist/petitions/petition.php?petition=080211_cwc