View Full Version : Defiant father Tasered while holding newborn

08-14-2007, 07:47 PM
“The Taser itself is a legitimate law-enforcement tool,” Kirkham said. “The problem is the abusive use of them. They’re supposed to be only used to protect yourself or another person from imminent aggression and physical harm. They’re overused now.”


“My wife said we want to leave and then he just Tasered me,” Lewis said. “He caused me to drop the child.”

I was in this man's shoes 23 months ago, but I had the resources to threaten through an attorney using the advice from our pediatrician--my story has a happy ending.

My friend's family just delivered his second child by midwife at home to avoid certain issues. Too much is done in the name of protecting one from oneself...


Darren McFillintheBlank
08-14-2007, 08:56 PM

08-14-2007, 09:17 PM
I'm waiting for the story where the authorities just go right ahead and taser the infant. You know it's coming any day now.

"She was unruly and out of control -- obviously a threat to our officers..."

here's something close

Officer's Taser is used on girl, 9

08-14-2007, 09:19 PM
getting closer

Police used Taser gun to subdue 6-year-old student wielding piece of glass

08-14-2007, 09:19 PM
In a closely related story, there was a story 6-7 months back, where an ape or a gorilla was loose in a residential neighborhood. The law enforcement officers were on camera, debating whether they should arrest it.

08-14-2007, 09:26 PM
close again but no cigar

Police use Taser on pregnant driver

08-15-2007, 05:30 AM
Re: 6yr old weilding glass vs 9yr old girl.

I'm not saying it's right, but at least the 6yr old had something that could be construed as a weapon.

The 9yr old girl was already handcuffed! WTF!

08-15-2007, 05:52 AM
Death Squad in Delaware: The Case of the Murdered Marine (http://www.lewrockwell.com/grigg/grigg-w10.html) <----full story and other links
March 29, 2007

08-15-2007, 07:37 AM
cops are just out of hand... but they get theirs eventually.

just remember... it's them out there making the big show, wearing the uniform, driving the decaled cars, flashing the lights, blaring the sirens, targeting innocent civilians, terrorising cities, neighborhoods, and people.... making a target of themselves

that's all i'm going to say.

08-15-2007, 11:37 AM
That is all.

Darren McFillintheBlank
08-15-2007, 11:45 AM

08-15-2007, 12:13 PM
cops are just out of hand... but they get theirs eventually.

just remember... it's them out there making the big show, wearing the uniform, driving the decaled cars, flashing the lights, blaring the sirens, targeting innocent civilians, terrorising cities, neighborhoods, and people.... making a target of themselves

that's all i'm going to say.

"But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government and to provide new guards for their future security. Such has been the patient suffering of these colonies, and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former systems of government"

However, when after many abuses have been suffered which indicates that such a government will continue to misuse its powers and ignore those inalienable rights and rule with oppressive power.

It is each individual's or group of individuals RIGHT and DUTY to over throw that government and to create safeguards to protect themselves from the same misuse occurring in the future.

This includes the Federal Government and Constitution if it becomes degraded to a point that is contrary to the Declaration of Independence which is the lone document that defines freedom.The originating founders letters providing further the intent.

Thousands died for this document alone; no one died to ratify the Constitution. Also, the Constitution would have never been ratified without the Bill of Rights that are the ``Among These" defined in the Declaration of Independence defining ``Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

usurp (usurpations):

1. To seize and hold (the power or rights of another, for example) by force and without legal authority.

2. To take over or occupy without right.

3. To seize another's place, authority, or possession wrongfully.


To show or demonstrate clearly; manifest.

despot or despotism:

1. A ruler with absolute power.
2. A person or government who wields power oppressively,
3. A tyrant or those collectively with unlimited power or authority.
4. Any Tyrannical control.

Sooooo.. a bunch of jackbbot thugs can piss right off for they are in Breach of Contract. Their chimneys will be painted black. I think a website that documents police abuse, names names, shows photos and offers house addresses and phone numbers of the thugs should be put up.. But it is likely to get thei site owners door booted down, their server confiscated and their local cops targeting them any chance they got for any bogus charges they can drum up.

best regards

Richard in Austin
08-15-2007, 01:31 PM
Unintended Consequences is a must read for every American

08-15-2007, 01:35 PM
That is all.

Those guys have all the gear they need, they are just missing a swastika band on their sleeves.

Captain Shays
08-16-2007, 12:23 PM
Arm up folks! Arm up with unregistered and untracable weapons if you can. If you have a registered weapon, report it stolen and stage a break in to prove it. You will need it some day I promise you. I know that what I am suggesting is against the law but its necessary because the law is wrong. Why do we need a liscense for a right anyway? Do we need a liscense for free speech? Do we need a liscense for walking down the street? Do we need a liscense to marry the girl of our dreams in the church of our choosing?
What liscense is required to pray? What earthly authority must we appeal to before stage aprotest against the government's wrongs?

Rights are not granted to us by the government, but by God. The government's limited powers are granted to them by us by our consent.
It is a right to keep and to bear arms not a privilage. Have no doubt about it. The government will some day very soon use the gun registry to come to your house and take your gun away.

If they succeed we can do what resisters did in Nazi Germany. A young girl goes up to a soldier and asks for a light. As he's distracted, she takes out her single shot gun and shoots him, then takes his machine gun and kills his comrads. Now she and her friends have four machine guns. And so the story goes until we outnumber them and out gun them as well.

This police state bullshit is going to come to a head some day. As more and more people fall victem to police abuse and excess the numbers will grow until the water breaks, giving birth to a new era.

08-16-2007, 01:35 PM
I hate saying this, but I'd doubt the average cop on the street has an IQ over 100. There just seems to be a lack of rational thinking on behalf of our police departments these days. Couple that with the majority of them looking like militaristic thugs. Things I've noticed are talking down to an average citizen who asks a question, sticking their nose in places it doesn't belong, no warnings given on tickets, and in general running around thinking they're better than us.

And the funny thing, there seems to be less respect for the "law" than there was 10-15 years ago.

I remember back in the early 90's (when I was in college as a criminal justice major), a move by a lot of places to "professionalize the police", meaning they wanted cops to have college degrees and wanted the cop to be able to make rational decisions rather than snap ones when dealing with the public. What happened to that?

08-16-2007, 02:03 PM
My uncle is a police officer and I have to say that there are some very good ones on duty. I think all of this police-state stuff is unfair to them sometimes.

There needs to be far more and worse punishment for bad cops, however. I hate the elitism portrayed by some officers.

We need to defeat the police state through law, not violence.

Give me liberty
08-16-2007, 02:07 PM
My uncle is a police officer and I have to say that there are some very good ones on duty. I think all of this police-state stuff is unfair to them sometimes.

There needs to be far more and worse punishment for bad cops, however. I hate the elitism portrayed by some officers.

We need to defeat the police state through law, not violence.

Funny how fox and Friends supported the cop who Tesered the father and the same cop who said lies against the father, by saying the video doesnt show you anything.